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Photo album by krisek: Mostar - Day & Night

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Mostar - Day & Night

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Those travellers, who went to see the town before 1990, or even 1993 for that matter, had a chance to see the sights of Mostar in their original form (most of them, that is), including the main reason to come to Mostar at all, the Old Bridge. It was originally completed on 7 July 1567. The structure was bombed by the Bosnian-Croat army (apparently) on 9 November 1993, after it was badly damaged by artillery the day before. This was done for no reason at all, apart from perhaps that it was beautiful and lay in land, which wanted to exit the Federation of Yugoslavia. The Croat army claimed that the bridge had a strategic position, yet how could it have? It was too narrow, too slippery and too steep for armed vehicles. People today have trouble walking on it. In addition to the massively elegant bridge, there were a couple of other interesting spots in Mostar. One of them was kriva ćuprija (eng. crooked little footbridge), a small prototype of the famous bridge. It was located near its larger cousin, over a small stream, by the Kriva Ćuprija Motel. It was amazing how similar those bridges were. The other sights included the Bridge Museum at the tallest tower by the bridge, The Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque dating back to 1618, the Neziraga Mosque built in 1550, and the Ćejvan-bey Hammam.

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