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Leptis Magna Archaeological Site

information about libya  Leptis Magna - Libya, šaråbulus

One of the most spectacularly preserved ancient Roman cities in the world, Leptis Magna (aka Lepcis Magnae) took my breath away. Because I only saw a few close-up pictures of statues and one picture of the Roman Theatre, the city took me by surprise. The grand entry to the site is the Arch of Septimus Severus. It has been wonderfully restored and the result is mind-boggling! It makes such an impact that everything else that I had seen in the Mediterranean of this kind looked now bleak. Hadrian’s Baths of Leptis Magna were potentially the most magnificent place in the city and arguably the most extravagant baths in the Roman Empire. The massive Septimus Forum, which the Emperor Septimus Severus (the son of Leptis Magna) added to the Old Forum redefined the central part of the city, which at that time was home to eighty thousand people, a quarter of whom were slaves. The Roman Theatre, which could sit seven thousand people, is one of the oldest stone theatres of the Roman Empire.

Address: Al Khum - main coastal road
Leptis Magna
Phone: + no phone
Price: budget

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