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William's Guest Book

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Joined: Oct 02
Points: 77507

Just landed in Nome...

Posted: 2010-04-28 10:50 AM   
Dear Bill
So nice to hear from you... I keep deep in my heart your warm hospitality in Fairbanks. Yes, I am heading to ANC for the Condor polar flight to FRA on May 4th at 2 pm or so.
I do not know how busy you are but I will be happy to meet you again if possible.
Best greetings


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 4244


Posted: 2009-02-12 06:11 PM   
Where did you take this wonderful picture


Joined: Oct 02
Points: 6482

Hi neighbour...

Posted: 2008-12-24 07:55 AM   
Hi Bill,

I just noticed that you published two pictures taken in my neighbourhood. Obviously you visited some Christmas markets in the region of the river moselle, where I live. Hope you are still allive after all these hot wine punch(es). In this context: The 'Germany' that you chose to publish your pictures is definitely the wrong one. Maybe it should make sense to delete them and to try it again...

Do you already stay in Germany for christmas? However, I wish you a wonderful Christmastime.


By the way: We've got friends living Fairbanks. We visited them in 2003 and had 3 wonderful weeks in Alaska - totally fascinating...


Joined: Mar 08
Points: 34806

Hi Bill,

Posted: 2008-12-02 04:42 AM   
Bill, very to thank too nice words. In Paris I was three times and every time I uncover something new. Photoes do not give back realities, but suggest what can be seen.
I wish the nice stay in Paris.

Best regards

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