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Lori's Guest Book

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Joined: Jun 11
Points: 947

Posted: 2011-06-12 02:17 PM   
My is miss zarrina
I am a girl please you can contact
Me directly to my inbox
So that i will send my photo directly to you
In my next mai


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Welcome back

Posted: 2008-02-16 02:19 PM   
Hi Lori
It doesn't seem like over a year since we last saw you but do stay around this time.
It's important that we should be reminded that there are real social problems behind visitor appeal.


Joined: Mar 07
Points: 118


Posted: 2007-07-06 03:19 AM   

This rose is not only a rose , it’s a symbol of friendship and love for a very special person for a very special occasion from a very special person

Always friend - Braj – Delhi – India


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719


Posted: 2006-12-01 06:05 AM   
Hi Lori
Welcome to Globo. I hope you find a lot of pleasure here. It's always cheering for those who have been here a while to see somebody contributing so early in their membership.
I am going to fly to Rome for a short break on 10 December. I didn't have it in mind to go outside Lazio this visit but, if I had thought of Campania, you will be pleased to know that your report would have changed my mind.
I look forward to reading some happier reports of your travels.

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