Hi thanks for dropping by and sharing your valuable thoughts! Cheers!
Spread that smile when you travel! :)
Joined: Dec 04
Points: 7304
Hi Deepak, that's Bertrand
Posted: 2005-08-01 03:46 AM  
I did not have much time to browse Globo even though I have been on school holiday since June 20th. Now I am trying to get some time to upload photos since I am allowed 104 per month.
Take care.
Joined: Oct 04
Points: 46
Hi Deepak
Posted: 2005-06-30 10:03 PM  
Thank you for stopping by and dropping a line.
You took beautiful pictures of temples in Ponda. Can you tell me what kind of temples they are, just curious, I can't tell by their style.
Joined: May 04
Points: 6895
Hi Deepak !
Posted: 2005-06-18 08:08 PM  
Hi deepak,
Just finished reading, rating and commenting on yoyr excellent report on Kualalampur. Well done.Take care and stay in touch,
Kris Kandath
Joined: May 05
Points: 259
hii deepak
Posted: 2005-05-31 02:37 AM  
thank you for dropping few words here,how are you ,where do you live???any plans to travel??
i am keen it travelling but not getting a friend .
i will try to put pictures
 Premium account!
Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752
Posted: 2005-05-25 11:30 AM  
I hope more reports like yours follow from India.......
Also, your Margao sunset pic is super, whoever rated this only ** did not look at it long enough to appreciate it, neither where it was taken, not over the plain ocean like some others submit! The silhouette of the trees is rugged, the sky and foreground too, when in wide-angle, I like specially the gap in the row of trees just where the sun is and the dark post in the corner. Not a postcard-shot, but somewhat peacefull and very precious!
Joined: May 05
Points: 13
Thanks 4 the welcome!
Posted: 2005-05-24 10:34 PM  
Wow! This is so great ... two members welcomed me to the site already ... you are a cool bunch! I found Globosapiens in the course of my work, and decided to join up ... hope to add some useful stuff when I get time. Meanwhile am enjoying everyone else's input!
Thanks Deepak ... pleased to meet you.
Joined: May 05
Points: 259
hii deepak
Posted: 2005-05-20 02:59 AM  
how are you,thank you for your comments ,i accidently came to know about this site and find it good and lot of information.
what you do???
Joined: Aug 04
Points: 14003
hii deepak
Posted: 2005-05-15 11:03 PM  
thankz for the message ,well past week i was very active on this site and there is nothing like a record in this .
Posted: 2005-05-09 11:09 AM  
Elles sont très jolies et captivantes tes photos,
je te remercie grandement pour la publication.
Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340
Posted: 2005-05-04 05:13 AM  
Prague is just a wonderful city; yes it's so romantic and full of music everywhere. If I had the chance I would definitely go there again.