Thank you for your visit! Be welcome! - Obrigado por sua visita! Seja bem vindo! - ¡Gracias por su visita! ¡Sea bienvenido!
Joined: Jul 02
Points: 502
Posted: 2012-03-22 11:58 PM  
Same here. Me friendly!!
Joined: Apr 06
Points: 184
Posted: 2010-03-26 04:45 AM  
Thanks Marcos for enjoying the report
Joined: May 05
Points: 41629
Gracias Marco
Posted: 2006-04-24 03:24 AM  
Marco, te agradezco tus palabras en mi report sobre Africa.
Saludos desde España!
Joined: Apr 06
Points: 53
Posted: 2006-04-23 04:01 PM  
Hi Marcos,
Thanks for the welcome. I've just been to the beach recently and when i have a time (soon,i hope!) i will put up some pictures.
thanks again!
hi marcos!
Posted: 2006-04-02 12:53 PM  
thanks for the warm welcome! although i dont travel much now, its something my family has done since i was a child and i'd like to keep that tradition alive....this is an awesome sit with tons of information, and seems like a great place for me to start! (I was actually looking up travel info. on Peru when i came across this site)
Joined: Jan 06
Points: 1261
I see your point
Posted: 2006-03-20 08:39 PM  
The picture does give the sense of the place and sort of the people that go to that beach. So to me it makes sense. Making points is sort of addicting. It makes you look good and all that stuff, but it's not the main purpose. If she wasn't posing and maybe just playing beach volleyball or something, then it might pass. The beach and your daughter are beautiful though.
Joined: Aug 05
Points: 1717
Hola Marcos
Posted: 2006-03-20 03:13 PM  
Hola Marcos, gracias por escribirme.
Te diré que me gusta esta Web, pero a veces hay miembros antiguos muy exigentes y pretenden ser los dueños de Globo. Tus fotos son bonitas. Tú no aspiras a ningún premio, sino a mostrar las bellezas de Brasil al mundo, por eso yo las he puntuado alto, pues yo también soy miembro, y aprecio tus fotos. Estos miembros antiguos no tienen derecho a monopolizar Globo. Globo es de todos los miembros, también tuyo y mío. A quien no le gusten tus fotos pues simplemente que no las puntúen alto, pero no tienen derecho a criticarlas o a humillarlas con 1 solo punto. Son también fotos de viaje, pues no son familiares, dentro de una habitación, sino en la playa y naturaleza de Brasil, y no de un turista extranjero, sino de una local, su hermosa hija, que combina con la naturaleza. A veces tengo ganas de dejar de colaborar con Globo, pero lo mejor es olvidar las críticas adversas de estos miembros presuntuosos.
Saludos desde España
Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248
write reports
Posted: 2006-03-20 07:56 AM  
If you want to have more GLOBO points why don't you write a report? It is good for your points and it is good for the community.
Joined: Jun 04
Points: 15075
Your Pictures
Posted: 2006-03-20 06:07 AM  
Hi Marcos
Thank you for your entry in my guestbook.
I see that you like to share your pictures with us, great, thank you.
Generally speaking though I am no friend of pictures with posing people in them here on GLOBOsapiens. This site is not about the people you travel with or your friends and family, but about the places you visited and the people you encountered there.
If you continue posting pictures in the same style as you did so far this will mean that when you will have 100 pictures online we will have about 60 of them with either you or any other member of your family in it, I think by then most people will know who you're travelling with ;-)
And your galleries will not be as interesting to look at because you are always showing the same things: you and your family with a different background.
I hope you understand why I write this message into your guestbook and please be not offended of my personal views.
I really hope to see more of your travel pictures :-)
Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248
Posted: 2006-03-19 02:33 PM  
I suppose that you have noticed that there is a kind of uproar about some of your photos.
My comment was that I like your daughter, but don't think the photo is travel related. I said this because in your title you first mention: your daughter, besides she is the eye catcher and Cape White is so far in the background that I hardly noticed.
Let this argument not deter you from posting more photos.
Look forward to seeing more and what about writing a report about this beach?