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Mike's Guest Book

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Joined: Mar 06
Points: 363

Hello Mike!

Posted: 2006-03-21 10:49 AM   
Thank you for your pictures and reports on Africa. I am impassioned by geography, and fascinated by Saara. Your site for me, is a treasure!
If the friend possesses pictures that show the villa of Bilma, please, send it for me. Ok?
Thank you very much!

Friendly, I am:



Joined: Oct 03
Points: 8654


Posted: 2003-11-06 04:10 PM   
Dear Mike,

I am so glad you have shared your travels... your exotic destinations and the little details you include in your reports enthrall me. I only wish you had written more, but I know what a chore that can be. I hope you'll continue to check in and let us know where you've been.



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