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muzaffer cagin's Guest Book

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peace on earth and one passport for all...

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Joined: Jun 11
Points: 947

Posted: 2011-06-12 02:48 PM   
My is miss zarrina
I am a girl please you can contact
Me directly to my inbox
So that i will send my photo directly to you
In my next mai


Joined: Oct 03
Points: 8654

I'm so glad you've joined!

Posted: 2004-10-12 01:16 PM   
Dear Muzaffer,

Welcome to Globosapiens! I understand that you found Globo from a link on my website,, and I'm happy you have joined this great travel community. I'm sure that, as I have, you too will gain much from reading about other's stories and looking at their photos, as well as sharing what you have learned.

I look forward to learning more about your hometown and your travels.

Peace and best wishes,


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