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Mohsen's Guest Book

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Joined: Mar 06
Points: 6237

ur pictures

Posted: 2006-04-19 03:17 AM   
Hi mohsen.nice to see the pictures u sent.I just want to add:it will be better that you give people more information about what the pictre contain,name of the place and where it is locatedin the comment box
beacuse many who see them might not know iran very well.
I am so happy to see the pictures u uploaded..go ahead :-)
best regards.


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Another welcome

Posted: 2006-01-26 07:41 AM   
Hi Mosen
It's good to see that my friend Farnaz welcomed you in your own language.
We are just getting to have a bit about Iran on the site and I hope you will add to it. Please feel welcome to wade in - I see your photo, which is a great start.

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