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Homa's by mohsenkhan

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information about iran  MarvdashtIran, Fårs
Uploaded: Apr, 18 2006 | Taken: Mar, 24 2005| Viewed: 36 times  | 8 votes

st.vincent - Apr, 18 2006 11:04am
The foot on the right hand side seems to be broken, what a shame, nice photo

mortimer - Apr, 18 2006 12:04pm
An interesting statue, would need a bit of context/more information for better understanding.

farnaz - Apr, 18 2006 06:04pm
this picture belongs to persepolice (takhte jamshid) , located in shiraz.thanks to mohsen for sharing this.

rangutan - Apr, 19 2006 02:04am
One of few pictures where dark clouds are effective and enhancing. An interesting sculpture.

frenchfrog - Apr, 19 2006 03:04am
It is a really lovely statue, do you know how old is this statue as the poor thing is missing part of the foot. Does the double horse head means anything?

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    Marvdasht (2)
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