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Martin's Guest Book

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Ciao to all travellers around the world. Nice to drop me a line, I'll answer as soon as possible.

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Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

No way....

Posted: 2011-07-12 12:38 PM   

What a great profile picture; did the seal just climb aboard?



Joined: May 05
Points: 41625

Happy Birthday, Capricorn!

Posted: 2009-01-04 09:42 PM   
Thank you Martin, and happy birthday to you too.
I wish you a pleasant day with your family (although one day late!).


Joined: Oct 05
Points: 4399

Glückwunsch !!!

Posted: 2008-10-09 06:54 AM   
Herzliches Willkommen dem neuen Erdenbürger Ivo und einen dicken Glückwunsch zum Ausbau der Familie.
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie viel Gesundheit und ein paar ruhige Nächte.
Bis bald,


Joined: Oct 05
Points: 4399

Ein Gruß

Posted: 2008-09-05 03:38 PM   
Moin Martin,
lange nicht gesehen/gelesen und doch wieder erkannt. Ich habe immer mal auf Deiner Seite vorbei geschaut und einen Blick auf Deine Aktivitäten geworfen. Jetzt ist der Sommer fast schon vorbei und bei Euch fällt bestimmt bald der 1. Schnee. So schnell wie dieses Jahr ist noch keines vergangen, Zeit ist also tatsächlich relativ.
Ich hoffe das sich alles nach Deinem Wunsch entwickelt hat und Du Deinen neuen Beruf bis zur Rente ertragen kannst. Bei mir wird es langsam eng damit, 26 Jahre mach ich das schon und 25 liegen noch vor mir.
Alles Gute und Gesundheit für Dich und Deine Familie, anbei ein Spruch aus D: 'Jungs machen Jungs und Männer machen Mädchen' wegen Deines Frauenüberhangs in der Familie.
Netten Gruß aus dem Norden, man sieht sich bei Globo,


Joined: Aug 08
Points: 3228

thank you

Posted: 2008-08-07 04:03 AM   
Thank you Mortimer for your comments! I'm still under shock! I put myself in an embarassing situation right now...hope to still be able to deliver other not too bad pix; keep your positive critical eyes, this is the best way to improve the pix quality! cheers


Joined: May 05
Points: 41625

Hola Martin

Posted: 2008-01-05 11:28 AM   
Thanks for your words. I also wish you Happy Birthday because I know that you are a Capricorn (like Wojciech) and your birthday must be one of these days.



Joined: Apr 04
Points: 17984

Hi Martin

Posted: 2007-12-04 06:39 AM   
Thank you very much for commenting on my picture – it is in fact downloaded twice The first download was to Globo’s old truncated size – now I have downloaded the full original image of 1.8mb

I have done a lot of travel in the past 12 months or so and hopefully will find the time to write about those trips and illustrate them with the pictures that I have taken. I also look forward to catching up with all my fellow Globo’s travel pages too.

Looks like you have been busy - is that your daughter?

Again thank you , and all good wishes,




Joined: Jul 06
Points: 1155

Martin, thanks for link to the travel log

Posted: 2007-11-14 11:54 AM   
They sure look like fun. Thanks again.



Joined: Jul 06
Points: 1155

Martin, cute new picture

Posted: 2007-11-13 09:44 PM   
Is that you baby? She is too cute. The other photograph had a little boy. He is a handsome little fella.

best regards,


Joined: Dec 02
Points: 2664

Focus Problem -> yes

Posted: 2007-11-04 11:49 AM   
Hi Martin,

yes, unfortunately there was a focus problem. The spider was big but light so the lower left part moved in the wind which you can see when looking in the lower left part of her web string. An exposure time of 1/50 was too long here.

With the frog I used integral focus with all 11 points so the camera chose another value than the frog. I should have used the midpoint option. Those moments were available only for a few seconds so I decided rather to shoot than to try more on my camera. Luckily, because otherwise I would have had nothing. Shot from the hand, distance about 2m, aperture F5.6, exposure time 1/13s, focal length 170mm.

Both pictures are a cutouts of a bigger one. The originals have a resolution of 10MP.

First I thought of not to publish but then won the wish to share.

ciao, Joe

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