Posted: 2006-01-09 05:37 PM  
Witam Rodaka
Wlasnie pracuje nad wyjazdem do Korei Pn - pod koniec kwietnia. Jezeli masz wtedy czas i powaznie myslisz o wyjezdzie to przyslij prosze jakies swoje namiary i dane na moje prywatne konto podane na mojej stronie
( Sprawa rozstrzygnie sie do konca miesiaca...
Posted: 2005-10-29 01:33 PM  
Thankyou for your amazing pictures, I love how a lot of them depict 'life', and not just scenery. I look for to seeing more.
Posted: 2005-10-27 03:50 PM  
I've rated your Monte Carlo and St. Michel pictures both ***** being amoungst the best night shots here at GLOBO, I think. RR
Posted: 2005-10-07 02:13 AM  
wow some of your pics are just perfect, my absolutly favourite shot are the two palmtrees in morocco - probably the next award winning...
Regards Ralph