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DeAnne's Guest Book

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Welcome to my attempt to see the ends of the earth in a lifetime.

Entries 1 - 3 of 3 


Joined: Jan 06
Points: 717

Hey, how you doing?

Posted: 2006-01-14 03:14 PM   
Hey, I just wanted to say 'hi'! I have just signed up to this forum and I am wanting to get to meet and know as many people as possible. I am looking to travel as much as possible this year and want to experience culture. I would love to hear about your culture, what is the best bits about the culture that you live in, if you don't mind answering!



Joined: Apr 05
Points: 371

welcome aboard!

Posted: 2005-05-01 11:24 PM   
Hi DeAnne....welcome aboard thiswonderful site and join in making this world a smaller and fun place to live in. Your Melbourne report was really good. Looking forward to more reports from you.



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Welcome DeAnne

Posted: 2005-05-01 05:44 AM   
Hi and welcome to GLOBO. Its not usual that a new member jumps immediately into report writing - I wish that more members would do this and I like your first report very much. Your tips on Melbourne are building up my appetite up again, also about travelling again. Nice onsite insider tips!

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