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Top cities to live in around the world

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Joined: Aug 04
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Posted: 2006-12-24 01:24:00   

Hi Amador,

... I would love to live and work in Barcelona if only I could improved my spanish, it is one of my favorite 10 cities in the world. These are my favorite cities:

- Munich

- Vancouvre*

- Sydney*

- Singapore*

- Barcelona

- Glasgow

- Reykjavik

- Swakopmund

- Punta del Este

- Porto Princessa*

* I've never been to 4 of these but dream a lot about them! What are your top 10 or 3 after Barcelona?


Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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Joined: Jul 06
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Posted: 2006-12-24 10:11:00   

Corresponding to mister Rangutan kind suggerence, here below I list, from Catalunya, my ten top cities of the world, having in mind that I love the sea, mountains (having being in my youth an alpinist -and a musician!-) and relatively quiet and small towns with warm climate, and I only mention those places where I have been myself during my 60 years of travelling:

1- Barcelona

2- Portbou

3- Sevilla

4- Panajachel

5- Formentera island

6- Fuerteventura island

7- Sorrento

8- Valparaiso

9- Venice

10- Santorin

Salut a tothom, Bon Nadal i FeliƧ Any Nou 2007!

Amador Garcia

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Posted: 2006-12-28 23:52:00   

If money is generally not an issue (housing is $$$) I love my home - San Jose (California)! Why?:

1) Fantastic museums (Rosicrussian Egyptian Museum, Tech Museum of Innovation, Discovery Museum, Museum of Art, Museum of Textiles, NASA Ames Research, and a host of others).

2) Tremendous cultural diversity - San Jose is 24% Hispanic and 25% Asian. Almost every weekend there is some cultural or ethnic event.

3) I can travel 45 minutes south west and be on a gorgeous beach. Another 10 minutes and I can be scuba diving with otters or whale watching.

4) 30 minutes gets me to lush fern and redwood forests.

5) 45 minutes north or a quick commuter train get me to San Francisco with its own diverse offerings.

6) 3 hours east I can be hiking on top of a mountian or skiing down a slope.

7) The weather is temperate - not too hot, not too cold!

I love traveling, but I always love coming home!


[ This Message was edited by: eirekay on 2006-12-29 20:10 ]

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