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pauline's Guest Book

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Joined: Jul 04
Points: 673

Where was that pic taken?

Posted: 2005-01-22 12:47 PM   
Hi Pauline,

Welcome...where was that pic taken of you on your home page? Looks like a very nice place. Someplace tropical?



Joined: Oct 04
Points: 351


Posted: 2005-01-20 06:01 PM   
Hi Pauline - greetings from your fellow traveller. I saw you being featured by the website, so hence i'm writing to say HI, and do chk out my pics under "jkk_ong". i'm quite new so i'll update them from time to time. Quite free at the moment, waiting to be sent overseas.. (hopefully). take care. Do you have any pics?


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

Hey Pauline!!

Posted: 2004-08-17 03:29 PM   
Just thought I drop you a line and ask you if you want to be pen pals. My names Matt Im a brit and love travelling too. I was on my way to Australia for a year but Ive had a climbing accident and Im stuck in a wheelchair for a while now . So all Im capable of doing is stuff on the computer so drop me a line and tell me where youve travelled to and where you would like to go next.

Lookforward to hearing from you,



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