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Nazca travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Nazca, Peru!

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Travel guide to Nazca
Lineas de Nazca - Colibri
Lineas de Nazca - Colibri
Nazca is a relatively small town in the middle of a desert, which is famous for its extraordinary lines, whose shapes can only be recognised from air. The Nazca Lines are amongst the Earth's highest profile mysteries, whose origin has never been explained. Theories exist that the lines are of an extraterrestrial origin, or that a more sophisticated civilisation existed there, which had mastered air travel in order to create the lines. And then disappeared from this planet. Anyway, the lines are hugely interesting. Air tours are easily organised through the airclub at the Nazca airfield. And are relatively inexpensive. The few elevated platforms by the main highway, do provide some glimpse of the lines, like the 'Hands' for example, but nothing can compare with seeing them from the air. There is also a small museum providing basic information about the lines, their discovery and maintenance as well as the local community and mummies unearthed... [edit text]  [editors]

Nazca's travel tips, pictures, advice

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Travel reports on Nazca

Author Rating Date
Nazca, Camana and the desert. 
Nazca,  Peru 
davidx  rating  2005-10-21
Pan American highway to Nazca 
Nazca,  Peru 
fiftynotes  rating  2008-06-01

Travel tips on Nazca

picture place / location rating / by member
El Nido del Condor

El Nido del Condor

Peru - Nazca davidx

Nazca Lines

Peru - Nazca fiftynotes

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