Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstaette |
You can visit the birthplace of Friedrich Ebert, first president of the German Reich (1919 - 1925), which is situated in the heart of the old town. There is a permanent Multimedia Show about Ebert's life (who came from the working class and worked as a saddler and an innkeeper e.g. before being elected for president) and the development of the Social Democratic Party in Germany since the 19th century. Furthermore you can find lots of information about German history during the empire, WW I and the Weimar republic. Also there are changing exhibitions, on November 09 for example about 'Marianne (France) and Germania (Germany) in caricature'.
The memorial place is daily opened (except on Mondays) from 10 am to 6 pm, on Thursdays till 8 pm, the entrance is free.
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