- Jul, 27 2010 01:07am
It looks like a cat (on the right) attacking a mouse (on the left)!
Indeed 5 points and a serious candidate to PoM.
- Jul, 27 2010 01:07am
For me the figure on the left looks like a bear :) Indeed great picture from a great place
- Jul, 27 2010 02:07am
N-ice one JP. :) ...
- Jul, 27 2010 02:07am
thanks for comments guys! my imagination was more romantic! hehe
but yes, indeed, one can also "see" animals there
- Jul, 27 2010 02:07am
Poor cat, what a mighty mouse... ;-)
- Jul, 27 2010 05:07am
Incredible, simply incredible
- Jul, 27 2010 08:07pm
I forgot to say that I prefer the 'romantic' version. ;-)
- Jul, 28 2010 02:07am
Petra & Amanda, thanks for comments. Incredible, yes..but true!! at least on july 14th.. dunno yet if this strange iceberg's shape is still to be seen..Mother Nature deeply suffers from global warming, bringing hearts to melt...! ;-)
- Jul, 28 2010 03:07pm
JP, great capture - seriously stimulating imagination. I cannot wait for some more. I always wanted to go to Greenland.
- Aug, 04 2010 06:08am
Krys, Thanks for comments. I will upload more. .. but dunno which ones! Greenland is just gorgeous!