3228 |
143h 56min 46s |
75 out of 29534 |
0 |
Full quality! |
activity |
amount |
points |
Forum postings / replies: |
28 |
112 |
Pictures uploaded: |
237 |
2370 |
Member picture online: |
yes |
50 |
Guestbook postings: |
88 |
264 |
Sent e-postcards to friends: |
1 |
2 |
5 |
10 |
139 |
- |
Travellog postings: |
2 |
10 |
Comments on pictures from others: |
402 |
402 |
Jean-Philippe has found cities we had not listed so far. Thank you for adding following cities to GLOBOsapiens.net:
city |
country |
province |
land found on |
Wadi Dhar |
Yemen |
Muhafazat al Mahwit |
Dec 21, 2008 |