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Tashi's Guest Book

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So many stories, so many pics
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Joined: Aug 04
Points: 14003

hii Tashi

Posted: 2006-02-28 12:38 AM   
how are you ,where are you now a days ,I hardly see u on globo from past few months?
how was winter this time ?



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Welcome to Africa again Tashi

Posted: 2006-01-30 11:55 AM   
... I love to read your travellog, you write it so well, make a lot of notes. I'm sure you are in for a good adventurous time. If between loginin at internet-cafes you want us to find out any information, please let us know, also hope you are coping or learning french and arabic... RRudi



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Go for it Tashi

Posted: 2006-01-28 07:22 PM   
Enjoy Tunesia. If more people would just do what you do we would all understand each cultures a little bit better. I challenge members to explore the "different" and "extreme" parts of the world more like you do, so that they also will find a great motivation toward world peace! RR


Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

nice pictures

Posted: 2006-01-11 11:29 PM   
hi, Tashi, glad to see u in globo. i saw ur pictures, they u so beautiful, i like them, thanks for sharing. pls keep on working!

best regards



Joined: Nov 03
Points: 9955

Hello Tashy

Posted: 2006-01-08 02:20 PM   
How are you doing? Looking forward to your trip, I guess?!
I just came back from Algeria two days ago. It was an amazing place to visit! I hope to be able to go back and see more of this fantastic country!
True, it is not an easy place to travel to. Visa formalities can be tedious. I hope you make it on time.
I travelled with a group, from Spain. We flew in to the capital city, it is a bit dangerous after dark. There is a lot of unemployment and lots of young population.
From Algiers, we flew to the south (Tamanrasset). We flew back from Djanet to Algiers, then Barcelona.
People are lovely. So is the country. I hope you enjoy it!
There is no airport in Andorra, if you go there, you will understand why ;-). The closest airport is Barcelona or Toulouse in France.
Tell me if you have more q´s.
Rgds, Neda



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Best 2006 Tashi!

Posted: 2006-01-01 12:31 AM   
... I like your lively and real comments in the forums. Thanks! I agree, photographers have there rights too, all be responsible for their own stuff. RR


Joined: May 05
Points: 41629

Tashi Delek!

Posted: 2005-10-06 08:48 AM   
Hi, Ta-Shi, thanks for accepting my friendship. Next year I will visit Nunavut and Yukon.


Joined: Aug 05
Points: 1717


Posted: 2005-10-01 09:08 AM   
I like your Haiti fotos about the girl and Sans Souci palace. You are the first person that I know having been in that insolit country.
I do not have computer at home and for the time being I can not show my fotos. But I like looking yours.


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 13010

Hi Tashy

Posted: 2005-09-27 06:43 AM   
... its me, since a long time! I just check out your picture postings and like to give you a advice.
As I remember, you told me once, that your scanning your photographs or negatives by yourself.
I found a very useful software to improve the quality quickly and efficient. Try out "Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition" - its a shareware and to download (find in Google or Kazaa fileshare). A sample you can see at my account - first page "beehive houses" two pics - one is not edited...
Good luck! (Lately I upload a lot of moroccain pics)
Regs Ralph


Joined: Oct 02
Points: 77567


Posted: 2005-08-15 11:01 AM   
Thanks for your mail.
I am departing to Bermuda from NY on 4th Sept -
on last expensive cruise. But I want to visit Bermuda on my own - they charge a lot for the shore excursions and I hate the crowd...
Salwador is nice but not so safe and not very developed regarding tourism.
See my pics here:
Honduras is safer, better organized and has Tikal plus nice coast:
The choice is yours.

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