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Jane's Guest Book

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Thank you for your messages! I appreciate it a lot!

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Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

: ) Jane

Posted: 2005-10-12 06:16 PM   
你好!在这里能看到中文觉得还真是很亲切,:)。 欢迎你来中国玩,尤其是来到我所在的城市。



Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

Hello there,

Posted: 2005-10-12 05:35 AM   
Hi are you...

Thanks for signing my guestbook. I just wanted to say you have some wonderful photos of some of the places I am about to visit and your pictures fill me with wonderful thoughts ...Thanks for posting them.
So ...where was your favorite place so far and why??

Hope to hear from you soon



Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

hi, Jane

Posted: 2005-10-11 05:46 PM   
so glad to see u in globo, especially when i know u could speak Chinese. : ) coz i'm a Chinese. hope we could become friends and welcome u come to China for a visit.

ur pictures are very nice, i like them. ; )

enjoy ur stay in globo. and best wishes!



Joined: May 04
Points: 6895

Hi Jane !

Posted: 2005-06-15 10:58 AM   
Hi Jane,
Thanks for signing my geuest book. I am glad that you liked my album. Please let me know which one you were mentioning - the cruise one or the oxford one? Take care and thanks once again for your kind words.
Kris Kandath


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Thanks Jane

Posted: 2005-05-05 04:53 AM   
It feels like a lifetime ago when I visited Prague, I couldn't even remember the names of the places I had visited. But the pictures kind of speak for themselves.




Joined: May 04
Points: 6895

Greetings from Kerala, India

Posted: 2005-05-01 09:31 AM   
Hi Jane,
Just had a look through your wonderful reports, fotos and slide shows. Its all wonderful. I look forward to more from you. Take care and God Bless
Warm regards,



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Hi Jane

Posted: 2005-04-01 03:03 PM   
You have a great selection of pictures, some quite unusual, interesting and beatiful. The Barcelona slide-show is great, shows corners I didnt see and a lot about every-life there we often forget to photograph or recognize. The slideshow has some blanks in it though just like mine, this seems to be a system error due to sorting the pictures. I will be reloading mine again when I have time...


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 2918

Fotod Barcelona

Posted: 2005-03-01 11:36 AM   
Hello, Jane,

Your Pictures of Barcelona and Catalonia are very beautiful


Joined: Jul 04
Points: 15194

Thanks Jane

Posted: 2005-01-04 03:08 AM   
I'm glad you liked my report. I spent a fair bit of time working on it, so it would be full of tips and info. I actually had to delete some stuff because you are only allowed so many characters per section. Looks like I'll have to return the favour!


Joined: Oct 03
Points: 8654

Thanks for checking in!

Posted: 2004-11-30 06:55 PM   
Dear Jane,

Thanks so much for checking in with me... I haven't been spending much time on GLOBO, but I hope that will change. Afterall, I feel as if I am bursting with new information, tips, stories and photos to share. The good news is my Mom, who has been seriously ill, is doing much, much better, which is a great relief to me, of course.

I also want to be sure to mention that I love your Spain photos, seeing them brought back warm memories of that country for me! Will you be writing a report as well?

I am off very soon for a week in Washington D.C., so you will be seeing more from me soon. Do you have plans for another trip?

Much love,


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