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Joined: Feb 07
Points: 2234


Posted: 2009-06-10 08:57 AM   

I just tried to capture the kaos that some Indian cities have in the streets, far more than impossible with only a picture on the other hand.

Thanks a lot!



Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174

Thank you Basia

Posted: 2009-06-07 10:39 AM   
Basia, many thanks for your kind words.

Best regards


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Thanks Basia

Posted: 2009-06-07 07:46 AM   
Hi Basia
Thanks for your message which I found on returning from Wales.


Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863

Hi Basia,

Posted: 2009-06-07 02:33 AM   
thanks for your message. :) Fred is a flatterer, of course, I have nothing to do with the album and his well-deserved prize... Hope your time in the sanatorium has been fine and successful! How are you doing? We had a little trip (only for 5 days) but drove more than 2000 km and saw a lot. I love Italy! Now, I am trying to catch up with all Globo news. And of course, there will be some pics from Italy in the next days. ;-)
Enjoy your Sunday - best regards - Petra


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 13045

Dziekuje Basia

Posted: 2009-06-05 10:39 AM   
Thank You Basia,
for your kind words on my AoM award. I never intended to do an album on the London pics but Petra inspired me with the idea and also gave me good advice on how to upload it.I feel very honoured that Andy has chosen it as AoM. Thank You again,Fred.


Joined: Aug 03
Points: 19539

Missed You!

Posted: 2009-06-04 11:23 AM   
I haven't seen around in a couple of weeks! I hope you've had the chance to travel some more. I am enjoying the pictures you posted today! Such beautiful blue skies - I never get that lucky!



Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863


Posted: 2009-05-22 09:18 AM   
Hi Basia,
hope you are feeling well!
Best wishes - Petra


Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863


Posted: 2009-05-14 03:05 AM   
Hi Basia,
thanks for the information, isn't it a pity? The French and their lunch.... ;-)
Kindest regards - Petra


Joined: Oct 02
Points: 77337

Dziekuje Pani Basiu...

Posted: 2009-05-06 11:55 PM   
Thank you for your congratulations... Well... I also like this picture, but I was surprised by the award... I rather expected that the jury will appreciate my 100-days travel log from 8th round-the-world voyage... You never know... Thanks again...
Wojtek Dabrowski
PS: polecam moja ksiazke:


Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399

Thank you

Posted: 2009-05-06 11:36 PM   
Thank you Basia for your congratulations.
I am really happy that my album was rewarded.
Have a nice day

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