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Joined: Apr 04
Points: 575


Posted: 2004-06-10 07:18 AM   
Hi rhonda!

I have a suggestion...

You could try and get into the top 3 members last week list! just put in pictures, reports, maybe some travel tips, you can vote, sign guestbooks etc., and make globopoints!

anyways, you are right! i do want competition! that's why it would be cool if you tried too!

if you want to upload pictures and articles, click on them at the top-left of the screen... 'your Menu'!

cya, and waiting for competition...!


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 575


Posted: 2004-06-09 07:28 AM   
hey Rhonda!

I wanted to send you the link to my new report if you haven't voted yet!

here you go!:

also vote for my pictures if youre idle!


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 575

Hey Rhonda!

Posted: 2004-06-08 09:39 AM   
Hi Rhonda! This is Mike!

Thanks for Voting & commenting on my reports! Actually, thanks for signing up to GLOBOsapiens! I'll be waiting for reports & pictures from you!

Check your mail! I sent an invitation to my friend list!


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