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Joined: Sep 04
Points: 53

san fermin, pamplona

Posted: 2004-09-19 11:41 PM   
Well, right now I cannot help you cause I am travelling around the states for the next three weeks, but since you have a lot of time till the next san fermin, I promise I'll do all I can to help you find a hostel. I am sure there are many... Could you remind me to help you by mid october?
And why do you want to run in front of a lot of angry bulls? Foreigners... (kidding).


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 83

places to be

Posted: 2004-09-18 02:16 AM   
hey mark, i'm fine. what about you?
well...the place to be is Amsterdam ofcourse. what i like is Maastricht, that is an old city in the south of holland. volendam is also a good place, that is an old fishers village. Scheveningen is the place to be if you want to go to the sea. Den-Haag(a place near scheveningen)is a pretty old city with a lot of history. but all these places got a lot of history.
but what do you like? what are your interests??
see you later....suzy....


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 315

Thank you for your wishes

Posted: 2004-09-17 11:21 PM   
Dear Sandman,

Thank you sooo much for wishing me well...Wish and pray that God Bless you and your family with the finest of HIS and always...

Take great care of yourself and all those around you, Anny

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