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sanne's Guest Book

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you are on my page. thanks if you're interested in other cultures and countries especially australia like me, you're very welcome to write me message or leave what ever you want, i will answer
see ya

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Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

cum here!!!

Posted: 2007-09-15 05:39 PM   
where are you???? I really miss you!!!


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264


Posted: 2005-11-11 11:39 AM   

How are ya???

Well Im back in England now... called woman of my dreams turned out to be the nightmare of my life.... but Im now seing a wonderful wonderful lady called Aimee...and Im smitten.... I think shes amazing.... Im now heading to Australia to find a life more to my style... surf sun and.....more surf!!!

heheh tell me how your doing...I may be working in Belgium soon... would be cool to meet for a coffee if you want!!

Later,friend of mine



Joined: Dec 02
Points: 1527

Hello Sanne

Posted: 2005-06-22 09:55 AM   
Thank you for signing my guestbook

You know the green on the photo (Mortello Tower) well, it's easier to get when you using a digital camera, i'm using (kodak 6490) which you can control the brightness of the picture. Also, I cannot get only bad pictures right sometimes one them will look good hahaha

all the best,


btw, what kind of camera are you using


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

Still Alive!!!

Posted: 2005-06-14 04:08 PM   
Hey there Sanne my Mud buck comrade. Great to hear from you.. Im still alive and Im surfing lots now too. I dont spend much time infront of the computer anymore I love being on the beach and being with the woman of my dreams. Shes very special to me and we are very happy together. How are you??? Are you still at Uni?? and are you planning any trips anytime soon?? tell me all and I will fill you in on everything that has happenend with my legs , my life and the surf.



Joined: Jan 04
Points: 53


Posted: 2005-01-31 03:36 AM   
thanks for your message, it reminded me I have a globosapiens account! If you want to see my new webpage it is at although it is not finished yet there is some content.

Well, you have been to Norwich and I have been to Hanburg, also a pretty city. I stayed in a youth hostel overlooking the port, not so pretty!

From your screenname I guess you are in Australia, I hope you are enjoying it. I am in India right now, 2nd time and this time for 6 months. i love travelling!

well thats all for now, enjoy it. happy travels.

allan x


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

where are you?

Posted: 2004-12-27 03:26 PM   
Hey Sanne,
Im online loads now so if you wanna chat over christmas just drop me a line!! Have a great holiday and a fantastic New Years eve!!!



Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

hey there!!

Posted: 2004-12-16 08:23 AM   
Yeah Ive been really really busy with trying to get my life back in order.. I still wobble when I walk but it would be great to chat when you get home Ive really missed our conversations. Also my internet and computer have been brocken for a while and I just havnt been online in ages. sorry . Im back now though so if you wanna stay in touch that would be sweeet!!!!



Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264

its been a while hey!!

Posted: 2004-12-13 05:50 PM   
Hello stranger....

How are you , I see you signed in today I must have missee you I do miss you ..drop me a line sometime we will catch up ..Ive got so much to tell you



Joined: Jun 02
Points: 1857


Posted: 2004-11-08 12:47 PM   
freut mich, dass dir die bilder gefallen.. photographiere eigentlich nur aus leidenschaft.. bin aber am überlegen, ob ich mich noch etwas weiterbilde und vielleicht doch versuche, den beruflichen weg in richtung photographie zu lenken.. mal schauen.. wünsch dir auf jeden fall noch nen schöne zeit in oz, sofern du noch auf tour bist..
gruß caro


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Greeting from London

Posted: 2004-10-20 08:29 AM   
Unfortunately, I haven’t been travelling since April; however I will be going to the Caribbean for Christmas, I can’t wait.

I went to Australia last February, and had such a wonderful time; however I must have been in Ayers Rock the only five days when the weather was quite cool. But definitely an amazing part of the world and I would love to go back.

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