I enjoy and thank your comments, being both positive or negative, (I prefer the first ones !! :)) it surely help me improving, regards, Gracias !
Joined: Sep 08
Points: 70
Hi Santi
Posted: 2008-12-21 11:36 AM  
Have a nice ending year time and Merry Christmas !!!
Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248
indira Gandi
Posted: 2006-04-18 07:54 AM  
Thanks for reading my report. That must have been very interesting meeting Indira Gandi, just a shame you were still young, but I suppose you remember the way she was dressed. i am not sure if she is still much remembered in India, but she probably is.
Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248
maxima etc
Posted: 2006-04-17 05:24 AM  
So it is true, about Maxima.
Thanks for the links.
Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248
Posted: 2006-04-17 04:48 AM  
There are rumours that Maxima is pregnant and she has just said ' good bye' to her Argentinina fashion designer as child labour is used.
But I don' t know if these are facts or fiction.
I agree with you about ranking and rating. They are unimportant (but not for all of us). I contribute because I like writing and giving some practical information at the same time. Ratings are unimportant to me.
I have never visited Argentina, reading about it is next best. I look forward to your next report.
Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248
Posted: 2006-04-16 11:26 PM  
I read your report again. Much more interesting than your first version. Unfortunately, I cannot rate it again, but this time I would have given 4*.
Have you been to more exotic places? I look forward to reading about them.
Premium account!
Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752
Bienvenidos Santiago
Posted: 2006-04-13 02:34 AM  
Welcome to GLOBOsapiens and our community of travellers. Your first photos are a very good invitation for members to visit Argentina. Some of your pictures may not be rated very high as beeing too personal, the main gallery usually for competitive and travel-informative photos but a few are tolerated. For pictures like those rather use "travel log"or "report".
I am sure you will enjoy GLOBO and we are looking forward to seeing and hearing more about beautiful Argentina.