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Ardastra Gardens,Zoo,Conservation Centre

Admission 12.00$ US per Adult
Although personally I don't enjoy watching animals in any kind of cages, Adastra is a Conservation Centre, and is therefore the home of many discontinued birds in wildlife. It is also the home of the Marching Carribean Flamingos and have many Macaws. Please visit the zoo as a portion of your admission will be allocated for the preservation and breeding of many of the birds and animals.
The Flamingos have 'Marching' Shows at 10h30AM, 14h20 ad 16h10 Daily
There is also a Lory Parrot Feeding at 11AM, 13h30, and 15h30. The Zoo Keeper will have people enter the large cage, distribute the people apples, and the parrots will eat the apples from the people's hand.

Address: Off Grove Avenue, Nassau
New Providence
Bahamas, the
Phone: + 242.323.5806
Price: budget

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