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Bikash's Guest Book

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Entries 1 - 10 of 18 Page: 1 2


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 7304

Hi Sugam

Posted: 2008-06-03 03:17 AM   
Nice to hear from you again. I wish I didn't have so much to do this year. I was so busy that I did not find any momet to upload photos. And however, I went to China in last March and April and shot up to 11000 pictures. You can imagine the number of those I could upload.

Best regards



Joined: Dec 04
Points: 7304

Hi Bikash

Posted: 2007-05-20 11:02 AM   
I am back after a long period away from Globo because of too many professional activities.




Joined: Dec 04
Points: 7304

Hi Bikash

Posted: 2007-03-25 09:47 PM   
Thank you, I am fine.

I have been too busy for a long time and could not even visit Globo.

How are you?

Best regards



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Hello Bikash

Posted: 2006-07-09 03:30 AM   
Well it is nice to hear from you also. Things have been piling up lately so I've been unable to contribute on Globo. But this is one of my favourite downtime activities.

I'm hoping to add a couple of reports this months.

What's new with you?



Joined: Apr 05
Points: 9510

Hello Bikash

Posted: 2006-02-27 04:31 AM   
Thanks for your congratulations and welcome to Globo.
You have a wonderful business; and I'm sure you'll have many pics to load.


Joined: Nov 03
Points: 9955

Hello Bikash

Posted: 2006-02-03 04:45 AM   
How are you? Nice to meet you. How is everything in Nepal? It is a very beautiful place, I hope to visit it one day.
Donde aprendes el español?
Take care and keep uploading more photos.
Regards, Neda


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Invitation to chat

Posted: 2006-01-10 05:35 AM   
Hi Bikash
I tried a number of times to respond to your invitation to chat but the chatroom seems to be temporarily ,on the blink.'
I'll try again but , if I can't get you, we'll try another time.


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Only commuting

Posted: 2005-12-27 07:58 AM   
Dear Bikash
Thank yo for your kind words
I love to travel to many places but for next few months only travelling between Ireland and UK


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Only commuting

Posted: 2005-12-27 07:58 AM   
Dear Bikash
Thank yo for your kind words
I love to travel to many places but for next few months only travelling between Ireland and UK


Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

hi, Bikash

Posted: 2005-11-25 12:32 AM   
glad to see u in globo. i'd like to know what ur username meanB coz one of my friends recommend a travel website of Nepal to me. it's very wonderful. the name of this website is Sugam. i haven't browsed that website carefully. is it a place's name of Nepal?

bty, why not share ur travel pictures with us? i think they must be very wonderful and amazing.

best regards


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