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Tony Deguara's Guest Book

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Entries 1 - 2 of 2 


Joined: Nov 07
Points: 56

Some advice on art galleries in Sydney

Posted: 2007-11-17 07:29 AM   
Hi Tony, could you please help me with some good advice? I'm planning to have a holiday in Sydney in 2008 and would really appreciate it if you could advise me of some good art galleries to visit. I did a quick member search and you were the only one closer to my age with an interest in art; however, a quick analysis of your page leads me to believe that you never logged in again after you signed up! This is a long shot, but if you get this message, I would be really grateful if you could please spare me 5 minutes of your time with some good advice. best wishes, always, Carole.


Joined: Aug 06
Points: 3423

Hi Tony

Posted: 2006-10-10 05:35 AM   
Welcome to Globosapiens. I hope you have a lot of fun here.


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