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Jacarezinho - A travel report by Robin
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Jacarezinho,  Brazil - flag Brazil
2693 readers

rmerritt's travel reports

Riding Brazil

  16 votes
Where can I begin? I know by asking myself this, that my time in Brazil was beyond words. My friends eagerly pounced upon my return with, “So how was it? Wicked awesome?” I respond with "Muy legal."

Riding Luisitano stallion Mister.
Riding Luisitano stallion Mister.
Driving from Soa Paulo was sure entertaining, as I rode shotgun through zipping motorbikes and honking ancient trucks, their sides bowed from loads of fruit or dirt. The bustling of the cities eventually faded into smaller towns with decrepit auto repair garages, markets and animal supplies shops. My excitement rose as the van pulled off the pavement onto an orange dirt road, surrounded by high walls of green sugarcane, like the cornfields in the US. Along lush valleys and boiling hills there were herds of beautiful white cattle with Egyptian eyes grazing along the road or sipping from the “perrana infested” river. To my amazement, the Laranjal Ranch property had begun, and would continue for 900 acres of paradise. Past employee housing, fishponds, a retired school, storage buildings, horses and mules, we drove to the heart of the plantation. A house shingled with red clay thigh rolled tiles appeared, with columns and arches, windows and brick steps, as dogs left their resting-places to greet us with waging tails. Trees splattered with blossoms and fruit made my jaw drop into a giant grin. I leapt from the van, eager to meet and see all. From the front door emerged hard working, animal loving Judy, Vicki and Lia's mother and our hostess. After we were shown our rooms, and I had acknowledged all seven dogs, wandering baby turkeys, exotic chickens, dramatic genie hens, doves, and cat of noble girth, Betsy, Vicki [related through my cousin’s marriage] and I entered the one of many horse pastures neighboring the house. There we were introduced to luisitano, mangalaga mares and curious foals of assorted colors such as paint, appaloosa, buckskin, roans, white and chestnuts with flaxen manes and tails. Under shading trees, was a troth of salt, besides that, the horses grazed on the plentiful pasture, dropped fruits and drank from a nearby stream.

Favourite spots:
Later that day all of us rode a variety of mares, some with accompanying foals, energetically trotting along side pressed against your legs. Or with a handful of them, they would hang in the back nipping and kicking playfully at each other as we went. Often we drove down to the Paranapanema River, where we spread out towels and basked on small sandy beaches or waded in and smeared mud on our faces. It was beautiful mud. It sounds more like an oxymoron, but compared to the lumpy, nose-wrinkling material accompanied by decaying leaves and twigs that may be scooped from the bottom of any New England pond, lake, stream or puddle, it was quality mud.

What's really great:
The vegetation varied from towering banana and mango trees to small prehistoric-like ferns and stiff, hanging rope vines. Leaves were strategically snipped into aboriginal patterns by precise insects and moss blanketed bulging fig tree roots. Fruits ranged from twenty pound futile masses to sweet and peach-like. Eucalyptus, that line the farm roads, hosted small flocks of squawking green parrots as on the trunks camouflaged geckos stalked hasty ants. Driving from the farm on the last day plucked an unpleasant string, a flat note among a harmony, the feeling of brushing fur in the wrong direction. I waved out the window at the employees as we drove past, withholding the impulse to open the vehicle door and scoot out.

Waterfalls, sugar cane and coffee plantaions, rivers, horses, ponies, goats and donkeys, lush pastures, eukalyptus... and Take your pick!

Laranjal Guest Ranch was a great place to stay if you like home grown, fresh food, ffriendly people and fun activities at your finger tips.

Riding in the evening is always fun, but if you're still up for more there is a city nearby where there is shopping, dining and even dance clubbing.

Pick a spot any spot, it's bound to be nice. The big flat rocks of the nearby waterfall are fun to bask on, as are the hammocks that hang on the front deck.

The guest ranch has great food from green salads to pastry like breads.

Published on Sunday April 30th, 2006

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Thu, May 04 2006 - 11:36 AM rating by st.vincent

It's a bit short on practical information but what a great descriptive writing style, a delight to read. Four *'s from me in the hope that it encourages you to write more reports.

Mon, May 01 2006 - 08:37 AM rating by mistybleu

Interesting report Robin, I enjoyed some of your descrpitions ie 'high walls of green sugarcane', I can see it now...

Good effort

Mon, May 01 2006 - 07:18 AM rating by davidx

A very promising first report. Your intro and favourites section are 4*. more with two correct view photos. After this your sections are rather short and more photos would help. I am sure we are going to see some really good stuff from you.

Sun, Apr 30 2006 - 11:31 PM rating by jorgesanchez

With a few pics in the right position this report could get more points

Sun, Apr 30 2006 - 10:43 PM rating by marianne

Hi Robin,
Welcome to Globo. Good of you to start writing straight away. You give a well-written personal impression. Maybe you could add a few more details and helpful things for travellers when they go there.
This link may be helpful:
I am sure did not mean the photo to be wrong side up. If you click on: 'edit this report' you can change it.

I hope to see more reports and some photos.

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