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zeca Lavena - A travel report by José Augusto
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Lavena,  Fiji - flag Fiji
3929 readers

zeca's travel reports

Unforgetable Lavena

  23 votes
Eastern Taveuni Island, Lavena is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, 6km South Mbouma in the Tavoro Forest Park. If you´d like to feel in Paradise, this is the place. Unforgetable!

There are many reasons to choose this wonderful place like your favorite. Sometime ago, this secluded beach was the great movie's set to film the "Return to the Blue Lagoon", and it could be perfect for you, either. The coconut's trees curves its palms over the crystal clear waters to see the colourful fishes, stars, crabs, lobsters, turtles, rays and every kind of sea life. You can walk to shelling for hours finding diferent treasures on the white sands. Pristine.
But to reach the beach, you need to cross the little village, and before it you should have the Lavena's Village's Chief's authorization. You can't wear any hat at the village, because just Chief can wear it! It's better to ask for a Fijian guide to help you and introduce yourself, because once walking inside the Village you are inside the local people's home. Respect. With the Chief permission, you'll be in Paradise.

Favourite spots:
The whole place is a highlight of Taveuni, a precious Fijian pearl. Fijians are the most friendly people in the world, all time smilling and ready to give us a big "mbula", the Fijian greeting .
The way to Lavena is rustic, unpaved, unpeopled, and once you reach the village, you can see that the place is unparaleled. Lavena is my favourite Taveuni's spot.

What's really great:
Once on the beach, we spent all morning alone. However, some kids join us later. Shy, they'd used a very slow process to get close. First we saw their faces between the bush, looking and smiling thousends of white teeth. After their time, we finally met them: little boys jumping, swiming, rolling on the sand, playing, and always smilling their thousend teeth for us. That's Lavena. My unforgetable place.

Taveuni's best are: Lavena, Scuba Diving the Somosomo Strait, Bouma Falls.

Taveuni's best hotel is the "Taveuni Island Resort".
I can't tell you in a few words, but some serious people did it:
"The most beautiful small resort in the world."
(The Times, London.)

There are just diving operators and underwater fish clubs.

No pubs for serious divers! Somosomo Strait Diving is your place.

The Taveuni Island Resort's food is great!
Try Audrey's Cafe's goodies, maybe in the afternoon! At Matei, east of the airport.
Don't forget to try Kava.

Other recommendations:
International Date Line and Wairiki Village, where you'll find the Catholic Mission with the stone Church. Walk away the roads to feel Fijians hospitality. You'll love this people.

Published on Friday September 30th, 2005

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Wed, Feb 14 2007 - 06:32 PM rating by travler

I didn't find much to do in Fiji. I'm glad I read your report and found out what I missed. I was only here for 2 nights.

Thu, Sep 28 2006 - 06:40 AM rating by mrscanada

Aaah I remember the Kava!!!!

Sat, Oct 01 2005 - 06:00 PM rating by gloriajames

Hiya Jose
Must compliment u for the beautiful beach shots, however, content wise, the report fell short. Nevertheless a nice one!

Sat, Oct 01 2005 - 01:50 PM rating by eirekay

Jose, Great report with stunning photos. Would love to hear more about your dive experience there!

Sat, Oct 01 2005 - 01:30 PM rating by rangutan

Short report with excellent pictures

Sat, Oct 01 2005 - 04:59 AM rating by magsalex

Great report. How did i miss this place!!!!

Sat, Oct 01 2005 - 03:22 AM rating by davidx

This is fine but I think you could lengthen some parts usefully.

Fri, Sep 30 2005 - 11:43 PM rating by jorgesanchez

Here are my ratings on your report:
originality of the destination ****
style (of writing) ***** (many lovely words)
length *** (short)
useful tips ****
pictures *****!!!
AVERAGE: **** and a half, therefore final result: 5 *
Good! Very poetically written and useful. Thanks.

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