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susiq Margate - A travel report by Sue
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Margate,  South Africa - flag South Africa -  KwaZulu-Natal
6592 readers

susiq's travel reports

Margate's hidden little secrets

  14 votes
Margate is a beautiful place in general, but, as an up and coming popular tourist destination, it has it's problems that occur on a regular basis. One of them is overcrowding of the popular places. I am here to share with you a few of the 'unknown' places.

Sand and stone combined!
Sand and stone combined!
Margate on the KZN South Coast of South Africa is vastly popular for it's beautiful beaches and natural coastal area. Tourists, from both up country (Gauteng area) and overseas, flock down in their thousands to enjoy the stunning tropical weather and sandy beaches during the December period and summer to autumn seasons (November to May). During the summer, there is no other entertainment like that of the warm Indian ocean & the hidden coves in which the playful waves ripple along the beaches & retrieve hidden treasures in the form of shells and colourful bits of seaweed to explore amongst. Hundreds of people sport the daily attire of sunburnt skin (from the first day of naivety), a coating of factor 40 sunscreen lotion (to prevent the painful reoccurance) and their swimsuits as they walk the popular beaches. If you are a local, you know to avoid the well known places due to lack of parking facilities and overcrowding. So it is either stay at home and enjoy your backyard swimming pool or go to one of the hidden beaches along the residential area’s beachfront. One such beach is just off Monk Road in Ramsgate (The next ‘town’ attached to Margate). There is a small hidden parking area (about 8 cars can fit) with a tiny path leading directly onto the beach. This is a ‘no swim’ area so if you want to go deep sea swimming, stick to the main beaches, but it is perfect for setting up your umbrella and lounging back on a well placed towel, or walking along where the water meets the sand with a gentle slap. Children have fun in the shallows by lying on the sand and letting the waves cool them off on a regular basis. There are also a few rocky areas in which to waste some of that excess energy that they have. So grab a picnic basket of refreshments and head for Monk Street Beach. Just a little red flag here once again, leave your valuables locked up safely at home in a securely locked cupboard. Crime is high in South Africa due to the high unemployment rate.

Favourite spots:
Kite Beach Tidal Pool
Kite Beach Tidal Pool
The Olympic Pool just off the Margate Main Beach (as at 08th Jan '07 ZAR2.50 entrance fee per person)

Manaba beach and tidal pool

Kite Beach and Tidal Pool just off the Marine Drive towards Ramsgate side

Margate Spur for that South Africa plate of must have cholestrol!

Hibiscus Mall - just up from the Margate Police station (Curried samoosas to die for on sale there! Yummmm)

Superbodies Gym - filled to the brim with weight lifting equipment, Taebo classes and hot toned bodies to inspire you to keep in shape.

Froggy pond Nursery - meander through natural South African vegetation and maybe buy a plant to take home.

The Uvongo Bird Park - Walk among a vast variety of birds in a huge walkthrough cage (Entrance fee is payable)

The Margate Beachfront curio stalls - every day shopping with a stunning view!

What's really great:
Margate main beach area
Margate main beach area
The whole package put together is an amazing place to visit. Just find parking early in the day and walk as the roads are narrow and parking space is limited. Hey and don't forget to sample the soft serve ice cream at Steers and the divine cheesy pizzas at Panarottis on the Margate Beach front! Heaven on earth in paradise! Hugs all and thanks for visiting my hometown with me.

Margate Sands Timeshare
Margate Sands Timeshare
Margate Sands, Margate Marine Drive (Timeshare) phone *27 39 3128100

Backline - Disco for the youn and young at heart.

Pistols Saloon - A country and western theme bar which serves food in the pan!

Shelly Center Mall - Movie theatres, shops & resturants!

Panarottis on Marine Drive (kiddies play area available)
Margate Spur, (Kiddies play area available)
Keg and Galleon, Margate Hotel

Published on Wednesday January 10th, 2007

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Thu, Apr 08 2010 - 07:37 AM rating by sujoy


Thu, Jan 11 2007 - 04:20 PM rating by eirekay

This is GREAT first report! You've got some wonderful detail and good tips. Nicely done!

Wed, Jan 10 2007 - 03:56 PM rating by mrscanada

I was in S. Africa but never here. Thanks for the information.

Wed, Jan 10 2007 - 02:26 PM rating by davidx

Many thanks for a very good report on a previously unwritten place.

Wed, Jan 10 2007 - 09:35 AM rating by marianne

You have given a very good impression of Margate. The beaches look good.

Wed, Jan 10 2007 - 08:51 AM rating by rangutan

First report, very well done! Home-town reports are not easy to write :-)

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