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chretien Modave - A travel report by Chris
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Modave,  Belgium - flag Belgium -  Liège
3851 readers

chretien's travel reports

Chateau Modave, castle and more..

  4 votes
A Castle with a reputation in history...
Visiting the Chateau Modave, castle and more..we were very impressed about the beauty and it's legend...nowadays used as wedding and conference centre, you have to visit it once in your live!

Chateau Modave
Chateau Modave
Modave, Belgium....a small place with a strickt remarkable history.

Situated in a marvelous enviroment of the Belgium Ardennes, built on the top of a hill, it will nearly reach the same conditons as "Rheinhardtstein".

If you are visiting Belgium, wonder, that most of important spots aren't situated in the big villages and wellknown towns, but just in the subburbs and far from the crowded places....also, you have to make a trip to enter this part of beauty!!

Favourite spots:
...take a bath....the hot water is bringing soon.....even the toiletpaper of this day.....
...take a bath....the hot water is bringing soon.....even the toiletpaper of this day.....
Every room has his own glamour and impression and again different from each other rooms, so they had even a bathroom, in those days, situated at a marvelous spot in the house...!! A sink in a wooden floor and if you look through the window, you are able to realise, that this bath is placed in the rock of the mountain, were it is built on. As remarkable as the bath, watch the OO. Luxury, and more you met in this room......

What's really great:
Modave travelogue picture
The state of the restaurated building. We were deeply impressed how beautiful this spot was. The part situated to the south kept the most of all windows. They were smart, using daylight. In the tower is placed a remarkable staircase. This staircse brings you down to the cellars with prison and winery, even a table of the old water-pump learns the visitor, how the fountains in the gardens got their water from more than 70 meters lower situated waterwell's and canal.

Modave travelogue picture
The beautifull Castle entrance is learning us, that the ceilings of the important hall is containing the rich nistory of the family to whom the castle belongs. Made by a Dutch creator about 1720

A remarkable vieuw, I'd never seen before in such "grandeur and beauty" each part is with enormous patience for time and colour "plaved"'at the ceiling.

Other recommendations:
Modave travelogue picture
The creation of every single room in this castle is a fact on its own. Better said, you have to visit it and see it with your own eyes, if you are able to do so.

Published on Saturday November 3th, 2012

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Sat, Nov 03 2012 - 04:50 PM rating by shervin19

thank you for useful report!!!

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