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mara Nairobi - A travel report by mara
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Nairobi,  Kenya - flag Kenya -  Nairobi Area
4053 readers

mara's travel reports

hunger in kenya

  3 votes
10 million people are facing hunger n Kenya, Its getting critical. Beautfull Kenya the country I love. It needs help and I would like to pay back for the many years I enjoyed it.

Nairobi travelogue picture
After coming to Kenya for more than 10 years I am now here for a longer period. Andhis time I am facing this big problem. No rains, no harvest so no food. 10 million Kenyan people are hungry and it seems nobody cares. Goverment is doing little.
After watching KTN report of people eating leaves I immediatly had to act. Rented a car and stuffed it full of foof and drove to the place they showed on tv.
Wanted to wake up the Kenyans to help their people. It did help but not as I wanted to.
So ifn you come to Kenya maybe you can act too.

Favourite spots:
Turkana, Masaai Mara, Samburu, Lamu, and te many small village I visited in many years. Made a lot of friendsm ove the years

What's really great:
The people, visiting National Parks. It has everything, the ocean, mountains, desert, nothingis missing.

not city centre but visiting the subburbs

Published on Sunday January 25th, 2009

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