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unravelau Rome - A travel report by Carole
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Rome,  Italy - flag Italy -  Lazio
3776 readers

unravelau's travel reports

What is it about Rome?

  7 votes
What do you think of when someone mentions Rome? When I did a brainstorm list the first word was OLD, and strangely enough the next was STATUES. Funny because by far my greatest attraction has been to the ancient Roman sites.

The last finger.
The last finger.
The evidence is all around you even right in the centre of Rome, even if it's in various stages of breaking down, it is fascinating. Take the colosseum for example. You can tell what the original structure looked like although about one third of it has gone. You can still feel the atmosphere as if yesterday although the events imprinted and seeping into your consciousness started over 2000 years ago. You can get cold shivers up your spine as you hear the screams of the sacrificed and the applause of the esteemed audience. Yes it has an appeal but not at all like the bliss of a peaceful view over the Mediterranean.

Favourite spots:
The castles of Gaeta
The castles of Gaeta
I love every last inch of the old rocks and ruins seemingly carelessly scattered and dotted about the length and breadth of Rome. From the old ruin just down from the station termini to the other end of town and the grand entrance to the Vatican City.....hmmmmmmm. Just amazing. When you come to your senses you realise that the more recent Romans actually built close to their history, not the other way around.

What's really great:
Rome travelogue picture
So of course the first attraction is all of the 2000 plus years old rocks, closely followed by the religious structures..i.e. churches and basilicas that jump out at you on just about every street. Each has a story to tell. I was fascinated by the Basilica of St Maria Maggiore and a statue inside of Mary. She has an aura. The history of this church is so interesting too. Another that kept me in awe is the St Clemente - just down from the Colosseum that seems to have umpteen churches beneath and right down to a Mythraim that dates back too. Anyway, I can't see how a trip to Rome could be boring at all and if you haven't been, you must put it on your itinerary for next trip.

Pictured to right some magnificent ancient pots located at Minturno.

Roman theatre
Roman theatre
The colosseum is such a magnificent structure. It is hard to come to terms with how advanced technologically the Romans were. It is amazing to think that the structure also had a roof that could be moved to shield the sun.

Published on Sunday April 11th, 2010

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Sun, Apr 11 2010 - 03:20 PM rating by rangutan

A lovely brief "mini-report" (like the ones I write too) for a city full of antiquities. It is so special that they say "all roads lead to Rome"!

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