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robsharp Sydney - A travel report by Rob
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Sydney,  Australia - flag Australia -  New South Wales
2584 readers

robsharp's travel reports

Sydney, March to August 2002

  5 votes

Sydney travelogue picture
Fantastic! After spending 4 weeks travelling around NZ, it was nice to be able to settle somewhere. Sydney was a grand place to do it! Worked in Global Gossip there, followed by a resturaunt on Darling harbour.

Favourite spots:
Sydney travelogue picture
- Darling harbour - Neutral Bay - Manly Beach - Scubar!! - Zen, Kings Cross

What's really great:
Sydney travelogue picture
Fantastic selection of foods, combined with a tremendous nightlife - i went to see countless deejays during my time there. Fantastic!

Sydney travelogue picture
Zen, Kings Cross (RIP)
Tantra, Oxford Street

Baia, Darling Harbour

Published on Wednesday November 26th, 2003

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