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luckyluke Taipeh - A travel report by Thomas
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Taipeh,  Taiwan - flag Taiwan -  T'ai-pei
3974 readers

luckyluke's travel reports

taken the chance

  6 votes

We just have been twice in taipeh for two days on our flight further on on, but i think it was interesting enough to tell, and when do u get the chance to take a full-hifi-glamoured--taxi-drive through taipeh without any visa, just because of your friend believes to get a little bit sick.But as i told, that was the only way to leave our hotel at the airport and in addition top it´s fantastic nature, taiwan´s main city is worth to drive through (u can´t stop because of smog any- and everywhere;-)

Favourite spots:
well, i can´t really tell i´m very professional in taipeh´s nightlife, bur the police officer at the hospital is very friendly,not so the nurse...

What's really great:
It was the first time for me tasting frog legs, but furthermore i was fabulous about how many lights u can place in a taxi...

the airport hotel is very good-- and utmost the only one u get?? but very good rooms and lobby

taiwan unknown food is no wonder in a european´s mind and taste

Published on Wednesday July 31th, 2002

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