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fluxus Venice - A travel report by Felix
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Venice,  Italy - flag Italy -  Veneto
3774 readers

fluxus's travel reports

Venice in three days

  7 votes

I visited Venice in June 2001, staying on a camping ground at Punta Sabbioni. There you can stay without spending a lot of money - a trip to venice can be quite expensive.... From there you take the ferry, which goes to Venice San Marco every hour. 20 minutes and you're over there. And then - just walk around and find out yourself - have fun! You won't get lost in Venice - it's surrounded by water. All the interesting places are easily found. The whole city of Venice is pedestrian area or water chanels. There are no cars, only boats.

Favourite spots:
I discovered the magic of Venice in the small roads and canals, apart from the big tourist places. The best thing in Venice is to just walk around and be guided by your intuition.

What's really great:
When its very hot in summer it's very nice to cool down in one of the many churches. Or - if youre tired of the crowded city - take the ferry over to Murano and to the cemetery San Michele. Or La Giudecca. It's is very nice. Nearby the camping ground at Punta Sabbione is a italian restaurant. There you can eat one of the best italian pizzas.

not to miss...

***-Camping ground at Punta Sabbione
or Youth Hostel on the isle of La Giudecca.

The italian restaurant nearby the camping ground at Punta Sabbione.

Other recommendations:
San Michele, Murano, Lido and La Certosa

Published on Sunday September 15th, 2002

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