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Walter Andreas's Travel log

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Welcome to my travel log and thank you for stopping by.

I have been travelling a lot in my past, recently I started to ad some trips to my travel log. This keeps me focusing on my next trip :-), plus my friends at home get a clue where I am off next

Log entries 1 - 10 of 39 Page: 1 2 3 4

Apr 14, 2007 02:00 PM I brought the sun with me!

I brought the sun with me! Can you believe it... almost 30C in Munich!! The Isar is calling with beer gardens like the "zum Flaucher" which is practically out on my dor step and the whole town seams to be out there enjoying the long awaited spring. Flowers bloom, the city smells sooooo good!
Just like in California in it's best days.
I am sorting out the pictures and unpacking. Unfortunatelly some nasty critical incident in the company made me work day and night since I am back home, but the weekend is free (almost :-) ) as I was able to fix the problem somewhere in the night.
Anyway... great to be home again!

Apr 11, 2007 02:00 PM Home, sweat home!

Arrived in the afternoon. Back home savely, but totaly exausted!
Will complete the travel log as soon as I am back on my feat :-)

Apr 09, 2007 02:00 PM Palo Alto - Silicon Valley

Palo Alto - Silicon Valley I have spent the last day at a friends house in Palo Alto. We went into a nice bar at night and I had the last day for getting back on my feat and pack all the things for the flight.
Looking back at a great holiday with many diverse impressions. Good ones and bad ones, too.

Apr 08, 2007 02:00 PM Highway one - the very beginning

Highway one - the very beginning I thought I give this Highway 1 another chance. Let's see how it comes once the sun is shining! And guess what! It was great!! I headed down from SF about 30Km south and there are so many beautiful spots I unfortunatelly missed. Comming back to the very beginning of my trip, made me wanna go again and drive all the way down to San Diego! Well.. maybe next time, for now it's back home again. Munich is waiting!

Apr 07, 2007 02:00 PM Making my way back to SF

That's it for the NP part of my journey. I am heading back to the big city of SF. Let's smell the blosoms! I will totaly go back for lunch at this amazing sushi place in Bearkley!!

Apr 06, 2007 02:00 PM Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park Ok.. sorry to say that, but this is like disney land right now. Can you believe how many people are flooding into the park?! Well I could not believe my own eyes. And it was not even summer (but easter saturday). Woww! I almost turned back. There was almost no place anyway to camp. All booked out. I was able to get a place at Camp4 with self registration. That is extremly cheap, which is surprising concerning the masses. 5$ for one night in your tent. That's quit a good price!
After a good night of sleap I went up the hill towards Yosemite falls. Those falls are stunning! I can now see what Eirekey ment by that this is her favourite place on earth. It takes your breath away. Once you escape the masses the NP is a wonder in itself. No matter where you look!
After an exhausting day on the feet I felt asleap at 6pm! Puuuhhhh. What a great day!

Apr 05, 2007 02:00 PM Sleeping next to snow! Sequoia National Park

Sleeping next to snow! Sequoia National Park Woooowwww!!! Those Sequoia trees are soooooo hugeeee! You cant believe until you see it with your own eyes. Great fiews from moral rock acrooss the whole valley. Unfortunatelly the camp ground in the np was full and the others closed, so as I was desperatelly walking through the camp ground I approached a few guys having a place and they showed me an excellen free spot with loads of snow around it :-) So I pitched my tent and... wowww. that night was cold! 0 Degrees Celsius and felt like -something!
Anyway... the night was great, they invited me for dinner and drinks at their camp fire. Really nice guys and really interesting talks with loads of fun!
I am off to Yosemetee as Kings Canyon roads are closed. I fear that I have to change my route as the same might happen in Yosemetee!!! Let's see! 3 days to go!!

Apr 04, 2007 02:00 PM Sleeping in the dessert!

Sleeping in the dessert! I left Las Vegas after an horrible expensive shopping session at premium outlets LV. I believe I bought half of the store at Timberland as the prices are not even 1/5 of what I would have to pay back in Germany! So I got myself some great trecking boots and gear for the outdoors.
On myself again the trip started out as an extraordinary journey to Death Valley. I entered the valley just before sunset and could not make it to one of the camp grounds on time, so I decided to search for a nice spot in the dessert and pitch my tent there. That was one of the most impressive overnight stays I ever had in my live! Waking up on my birthday in the dessert was simply breath taking! In the morning I headed out for Dantes Peak to oversee the valley and watch another impressive sunrise. This trip starts to become one of the best I ever had!!!
I met a guy named Garry in the Sand Dunes, he gave me his heat as I was stupid enough to walk into the dunes without a heat! So he kind of spared me the sun spin :-)
Late in the afternoon I left west towards Sequoia NP.
Entering Sequoia Forest the landscape changed dramatically.
In Glenville *middle of nowhere!* I booked into a motel. Wonderful peaceful overstay. So many nice and kind people. I finished the day with an impressive rib eye stake at the bar next door where I met a couple of Harley Davidson guys. We connected instantly and they sang a birthday song for me :-) How great is that?!! I must admit this was the best birthday I ever had!!!!!
Now I am heading north towards Sequoia NP...

Apr 04, 2007 02:00 PM A great day for photography!

A great day for photography! The dessert is always good for some amazing shots! One just has to be prepared all the time. Unfortunatelly I did not get this lizard on the cam. To bad. Well.. I tried :-)

Apr 03, 2007 02:00 PM Heading for Death Valley!

Heading for Death Valley! Never saw an artifitial city like LV. Great to walk around for a while and to see the people gambling. The hostel is great with a pool and you have always a lot of sun in the desert! I was thinking of moving to the MGM Grand as they would only charge about 40$! But... my birthday is tomorrow!! So where will I spend the day? I decided not to stay in LV as this is to commercial for me. I have 7 days left, so I came up with a plan for spending them all in National Parks. So today it will be Death Valley, heading to Sequoia, Kings NP, and Yosemetee. Lake tahoo if I can make it.
I also decided to split with Fernanda. As I met a great guy from germany yesterday traveling the world he told me about going down to a creek in Grand Canyon and that made me realize that this will never work out with her. She can go everywhere from here on her own as we are in LV so not a big problem for her I hope. lets see how she takes it.

I might not be able to write anymore as there are only trees and nature surrounding me during the next 7days I hope! :-)

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