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Emma's Travel log

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So many countries. So little time.

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Oct 02, 2004 02:00 PM Duran Duran in Berlin!

So off I went to Berlin to see Duran Duran! Bizarre. Gave up tickets to a tennis tournament in London for this, but well worth it.
My travelling companion was a 25-year-old guy from work, that I hardly knew!
Once we'd negotiated the trek Schonefeld Airport into the city centre, and worked out the Metro to get to the hotel, we had time for a bit of sightseeing before the gig.
The Sony Centre was a sight to behold, huge, impressive and full of far too much shopping, eating and drinking potential. So some classic Berlin pasta was eaten, and then it was off to the concert.
Wondered if we'd got the right place when we arrived. The Columbiahalle is TINY! I was expecting Berlin's version of Wembley Arena, but this was like an aircraft hangar, with some great 70s stick-on, light-up letters announcing "Tonight - Duran Duran". Began to think it was some elaborate wind-up but the crowds of people outside all seemed to think they were in the right place. Eventually 8pm came, and there they were. We'd ended up in the gallery as there was no way of fighting our way through the standing section to anywhere with a half decent view. All too soon, the gig was over, another glimpse of John Taylor had gone by and I was feeling 14 years old all over again!
Went and got very drunk at the Australian Bar near the Sony Centre, which seemed to be the only place open on a Sunday night, then cabbed back to the bed and breakfast.
Given the lateness of our return the night before, the B&B just became a B as there was no way we were going to make it to breakfast. Eventually struggled out of the place at 12 and headed off for more culture!!
Much walking was involved. We went to the Brandenburg Gate which was a lot smaller than I'd expected, and saw the bricks laid in the streets where the Berlin Wall used to be. It's hard to tell what used to be East or West Berlin as the whole city has been revamped over the last few years. Saw the Reichstag too, though the huge queue to get in and see the glass atrium inside put us off. Then it was off to the Fernsehturn (the tall, thin spiky tower in all the photos) for a high view of the city. Some 300 feet up there was a great view, though getting our bearings wasn't easy!
All too soon, it was time to grab some more food and head back to the airport.
A flying visit but well worth it. A return trip is definitely on the cards. Berlin is a great place to just wander round and I'm sure there are plenty of things we missed but there just wasn't time.

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