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Andrea's Travel log

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Welcome. On this site, I included photos of the places I visited. Even near my house. They are very near to me, but not for other people visiting this site.

Log entries 1 - 3 of 3 

Sep 02, 2006 02:00 PM In honor of Massimiliano of Asburgo

In honor of Massimiliano of Asburgo Cormòns (Gorizia), famous in the world for wines of the Collio, has an inheritance of 400 begun Hasburg history years just with Massimiliano I. In memory of the benefits that this great Austrian Emperor granted to the City in 1518 after the bloody wars against Venice, its statue troneggia still in the public square center them of Cormòns. The figure of this mythical historical personage comes remembered every year from one spectacular tournament historical in armor with actors professionals and a thousand of figuring in custom.

Apr 24, 2006 02:00 PM Tour to Faedis

Tour to Faedis A tour to Faedis(UD)

Chuch of Faedis

Dec 07, 2005 07:00 PM First congress of artificial cavity

First congress of artificial cavity 8-11 december 2005

Archaeology of the Subsoil: methodologies to comparison

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