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Christl's Travel log

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Oct 14, 2012 04:00 PM Shiraz, the beauty

After visiting Susa, being astounded by the way the places to settle were chosen. I saw one of the zigurats, about which I had read, but in reality it was much more impressive as in the books. Only the heat hit me so that I didn't dare to go around to get a feeling of its size. Persepolis was overwhelming. I am always fascinated by the way this old kings expressed themselves, their power, their victories, and their behaviour towards their peole and especially towards their enemies, whom they overcame and made depending of them. Here, in the empire of Darius, they are considered as guests who arrive with all their presents to celebrate the beginning of the new year. All this is hewn in stone as are the deeds of the king, the king of all people. Beautiful the craftmanship.
Today I leisurely toured Shiraz, the town of the roses, of the nightingales, which you certainly don't hear, because the town is noisy, and the wine, which you are not allowed to drink. If the police gets you you really will suffer. Their are wonderful parks in town, a bazar, worth seeing, with all the niceties you can think of, and the mausoleums of Hafis and Saadi, quiet places, where you can meditate and read the poems and the wise texts of these men.
Now you know, that I am travelling in an impressive country with all the advantages of culture, of a great past, of rich and fertil soil, of friendly, open people, who love to live.

Oct 10, 2012 04:00 PM Luristan, the stony desert

Today I arrived in Ahwaz after a drive of more then 300 km, starting in Kermanshah. I am still sorting out my bones. But I never saw such a deadly landscape, where people made their home. Although I saw villages where nature took over again because people had left. Coming from the Caspian Sea and Azerbaidschan it's quite a difference not only in nature but also in climate. Today I suffered because I wasn't properly dressed to the temperature - of over 30*. I liked to remember the evening in Anzalis, where it was cool enough to have a picnic at the harbour side with the family or the friends, all in their sunday best, for men to sit around drinking tea and talking about their way of life. Or this late afternoon when we decided to have a cup of our tea and I wanted to sit under a tree. No way: a family turned up who owned a busines just behind the tree and invited us in. The end of the story: we got an invitation to stay overnight, what we couldn't accept. It was a pity I would have liked to stay.
There is more to tell as you can imagine. Besides the friendliness of the people it is the width of the landscape and the grandeur of the mountains, which impressedme so much.
So much for today. I need my beauty sleep.

Oct 03, 2012 04:00 PM Tehran, Iran, first experience

Safely arrived in Tehran, I had to sort my bones, the plane was packed to the utmost and the leg space limited. But a rose, given by a smiling young woman made up for my aching bones. nobody expected me but with the help of all the friendly people I was securely in my bed. I am not talking about the day, but I made it. Sun is shining and itis more than warm. I only saw the demonstration in television, although I have been around town. Today I spent my time in the carpet museum and the museum of contemporary Art. Can you believe it I didn't pay any entrance fee? Both museums were a dream of silence.
Next more.

Jun 12, 2011 02:00 PM Jerevan again

I did a round trip and couldn't always get at a computer. Sometimes I stayed in small towns, sometimes in villages and B&Bs with friendly people. Berg Karabach with its capital Stepanakert was an experience, not only because the effect of the war of 1988 wasn't to overlook, but also because of the mountain world and the dark green forests. Ganzasaar, the monastery on the top of a high rock, was a place of silence and an encyclopedia of symbols, simply beautiful. I saw Khndzoresh, where up to the 1950ties people lived in caves and I met children who sang for me, they even knew a bit of english, what they just started learning. I met people, a priest, artists, old women, who told me of their lives and their country. And enjoyed the beautiful countryside, the fast streams, the green blue Sevan Lake, and saw the Ararat.
I only heard the noise of two planes!!!
The day after tomorrow I will be back.

Jun 09, 2011 02:00 PM Sissian, the hidden town

I am still alive and enjoying this journey very much. The weather is quite good, sometimes it rains and we are in danger to be stopped by the mud, but mostly sun is shining. The highlight until now has been the Tatev Church, simply beautiful and sophisticated on a high promotory above an deep abyss. Berg Karabach is impressive, the last war is still visible but rebuilding is going on.
So long.
Seid schoen brav, bis nach Haus ich wiederkomm!!!

Jun 09, 2011 02:00 PM Sevan Lake, the beautiful

Through the high mountains we drove to the Selim caravansery, still standing as it was built in the 14th century to take refuge when the weather was dangerous or the route impassible. Animals, wares and people under one roof of a solid stone building, shortly before reaching the Selim Pass (2400m). Then we drove through an open landscape to the Sevan Lake, beautiful and quiet. It now gains water again, everu year 55 cm, what is visible, one even had to built a new road, don't ask me how we survived it without a flat tire or a broken axis.
So long. Take care.

Jun 05, 2011 02:00 PM Jerevan, capital of Armenia

I safely arrived in Jerevan early morning last Thursday. The program started right away under the guidance of a friendly guide: A tour around town and a visit to a museum of old books and papers. Wonderful. Then the visit to the memorial of the Armenian Genocide, a depressive sight, to Germans I don't need to tell what I saw, I think. The pictures are so dreadful similar. Next day we went out to churches and forts. Yesterday I saw the Catholicos and listened to a mess of the Armenian Church in a beautiful old cathedral in Eschmiatsin, the religious center of the country. I met a priest who answered all my questions and in the evening I talked to a painter and looked at his paintings. So you see the journey started quite interesting an I am learning quite a bit. That's fun.
Next more.

Oct 21, 2010 02:00 PM Bye, bye Cambodia

Today I have to go home. I would have liked to stay longer, there are so many questions left, so many places to visit. Cambodia and the ruins of Angkor Wat and all the temples around it are overwhelming, not only because of their grandeur and beauty, but also because of their expression of faith, giving security and order the people.

Oct 18, 2010 02:00 PM Good bye, Saigon and the Mekong

Today I leave Vietnam for Cambodia. It has been quite a trip. Saigon is like champagne, quick, intense, and lively. The past is saved, but the building and changing the face of the town goes on. 9 million inhabitants and 4 million motorbikes is all what have to say about traffic! Weather was very warm the last two days: 38 degrees, what is, to be honest, not to my liking.
So long.

Oct 14, 2010 02:00 PM Nha Trang, Saigon

Saigon got me, it's a whirlpool of a town. I was swept through, got a glimpse of Chinatown, threw a glance at colonial times and ended up in a lacquer factory which produces dreams. I have a room on the 8th floor of a hotel situated opposite of a park with an incredible sight on the colonial quarter and the town, which is rebuilt and gets all the niceties of modern ways of building trends.

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