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rebekah's Travel log

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Log entries 1 - 5 of 5 

Apr 13, 2004 02:00 PM more than smoking

Wow what a great place!
Amsterdam is really beautiful, it's really hot and the air is really clean. Everyone either cycles or takes the tram so there's hardly any polution. You can walk all day without anyone bothering you either which was great!
The museums were really beautiful, loads of great art and the anne frank museum was really moving. Going to have a mad evening i'm sure... will let you know how it goes!!

Apr 12, 2004 02:00 PM leaving paris

had a fantastic nights sleep in the hotel last night. its near to the train station and close to cafe's bars and shops. Would definately stay there again. 23euros for a dorm room with built in bathroom. only 46euros for a private double with shower. Heading off to amsterdam, almost recovered on the sleep front, probably not going to get much sleep now before i have to be back in work on Friday!

Apr 11, 2004 02:00 PM bouldering fontinbleau to paris

Just spent a really heavy weekend bouldering in Fontinbleau just south of Paris. I m absolutely worn out and am having trouble tying my shoe laces even as ive worn the skin off my fingers. settled into a hotel in paris for the night and heading to amsterdam in the afternoon tomorrow. Cant wait to write the report on fontinbleau1

Aug 30, 2003 02:00 PM happy in heidleberg!

went to see heidleberg today and it was a beautiful city! Walked round the castle and the museums inside and there was a wedding going on there too! Had my 1st thai food since coming back from thailand and it was nice to be sharing a meal with alex and her parents as they were the last people i shared a meal with in thailand. Brought back loads of memories.
Hoping to sort out the funding scheme for the children's home in nepal soon!
Going for a wine tasting tomorrow!

Aug 28, 2003 02:00 PM very many vinyards

disappeared to a town called Grunstadt which is near to Heidleberg in Germany. Caught up with Alex, a really great friend of mine who i met in Nepal where we were both volunteering.
Got REALLY cheap flights from Ryanair, £2.99 one way!
Alex picked me up from frankfurt hahn and following a 1hour drive to her village, we emediately went for a piss up on free wine down the local vinyard... her dad made me drink loads of nasty spirits and then i don't really remember how i got home.

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