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Melissa's Travel log

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Welcome to my travel guide, I have been living in China for awhile and have done a bit of traveling around. In the next year I will be doing some hard core traveling, so be on the look out for new articles.

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May 08, 2004 02:00 PM Rain In Beijing

Rain In Beijing Well today was suppose to be my sight seeing day but due to the untimely weather I am going to have to just stay put and relax and tell you all a little about my life in a land that I have called home for 19 months. I decided when I was old enough to talk that I was going to one day live in another country, although I had not decided on the country yet let alone even been able to read a map, I was determined. I came from a poor family, with not one vacation anywere to speak of. When I left on that airplane it would mark a day in history for the Nelson family that I was the 1st member to leave the continent in search for an education of the best kind.
I had spent 27 years already voicing my dreams that I would live abroad one day and ignoring the snickers and snears on the idea behind my back. Now these sounds will not be heard ever again towards me. It will be 2 years that I have been living in China come October, and then by the time I depart to live else where it will be almost 3 years in total. I have gained a vast amount of extremly valuable, actally priceless inforamtion and self discovery from this country. I cherish the beauty of the land and the people here and will never forget the things I have seen in my minds eye, or that I have nicely recorded from my camera.
Today the rain in Beijing reminds me of my last home far away from my new home. It has an effect of reminding me of where I have come from and where I will go from here on out. Beijing is a great city to live in for many reasons. The weather is deccent, you will get an array of diffrent weathers and 4 distinct seasons. The thing I love most about Beijing and makes it unique in my eyes is the rising sun. There is nothing quite like the rising sun in the morning time. I am an early bird and usualy make sure I am somewhere outside to enjoy the spectalce of the large perfectly round sun that is sometimes a little hazy, but most of the times the color of a slighty ripe pumpkin. It is the one image that will stay in my memories for a long time there after, but for today it is raining in Beijing and I miss the rising sun.

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