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Nov 29, 2007 07:00 PM Switzerland, Bern

Bern is the capital of Switzerland, and the fourth most populous city in Switzerland. Most of Berne's residents speak German, or more specifically, Bernese German, which is a high-Alemannic dialect.
Things to see would be the city itself, and of course the Zytglogge clock tower is one of the city's best-known symbols.

They say that before Bern exist, they said they will start a city there and the first animal they need to kill in order to live there, they will name the city after that specific animal, and it so happened to be a Bear! I really like this story.

Everywhere you look, you can see the bear logo! I also like the story of the water pits. You can see many water fountains in the street and the stroy goes, the very last fountain has a picture of a monster on it, (i've seen this, its true) the reason for that is, many many years ago, they told the children that should they run past that fountain, that monster live in the woods and it will catch them! That was a clever way to keep the children away from the woods!!

Oh, there is also Albert Einstein's house he lived in when he did his study for e=mc2 I felt so clever standing infront of his house! ha ha

I think Bern is a nice visit overall, but not too long, maybe 2days.

Nov 27, 2007 07:00 PM Switzerland, Luzern

Luzern is the most populous city in Central Switzerland and focal point of the region.Due to its location on the shore of Lake Lucerne (Vierwaldstättersee) within sight of Mount Pilatus and Rigi, Lucerne is traditionally considered first and foremost as a tourist destination. One of the city's famous landmarks is Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke), a wooden bridge first built in the 14th Century.

Overall, i thought Luzern is well worth a visit , and rank in the top of Switzerland places to visit! I personally liked the way the things to see is right there as you walk the streets to shop! I loved the look and feel of the city, the lion monument and also the chappel bridge, those were the hilites for me.

It MIGHT sound boring, but it is not boring at all, i will visit Luzern again tomorrow if you invite me with, ha ha !

Nov 09, 2007 07:00 PM Switzerland, Zermatt

I fell in love with Zermatt, if i could visit only ONE place in Switzerland, it would be Zermatt. (This is a top ski resort in the world, but i dont ski, never have) so even if you dont ski, this is still THE place to visit!

Zermatt has a permanent population of around 5,500 people, although the actual population varies considerably through the seasons as tourists come and go. The village is situated at the end of a north-facing valley, at an altitude of 1,620m (5,315ft). The valley is a dead end; although the border with Italy is close, it cannot be crossed by road, as it traverses a glacier at an altitude of over 3,000m.

The Matterhorn is the mountain on many swiss chocolates like the Toblerone.

To prevent air pollution which could disfigure the town's lovely view of the Matterhorn, the entire town is a combustion-engine car-free zone. Electric vehicles are allowed for local commerces. The Cantonal police can issue a permit which allows residents to drive and park at the northern outskirts. Some emergency vehicles (fire trucks, ambulances, etc.) are also allowed to use combustion engines.

Most visitors reach Zermatt by cog railway train or taxi from the nearby town of Täsch. Trains also depart for Zermatt from farther down the valley at Visp and Brig, which are on the main Swiss rail network.

Overall, i .... L O V E Zermatt!!!!!

Oct 31, 2007 07:00 PM Switzerland, Geneva

The first thing that caught me of gaurd was the sudden change of language.... The train operators and all the people in Geneva's shops and all round, they talk French.. yet its only an hours train drive from Bern? How weird is that!!??

Even the people came across different...

Geneva is the second-most populous city in Switzerland. Geneva is widely regarded as a global city, mainly because of the presence of numerous international organizations, including the headquarters of many of the agencies of the United Nations and the Red Cross

Overall, i thought its a lovely city, but the wind and the cold temp. made me want to stay indoors... :-( But other than that, the HUGE lake look like the ocean, smell like it too. Should i visit Geneva again.....i dont know? I think i need a little more to pull me bac to Geneva... i rate it a 5/10

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