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Rudolf's Travel log

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... always dreaming of meeting a new wife. She is somewhere in this world. I must find her!

Log entries 1 - 10 of 54 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mar 21, 2018 10:00 PM Home Alone!

Home Alone! Now settled well in my council apartment. Enjoy hosting "" travellers, mostly students, from all over the world. Health is getting better but suffer a lot in winter (polyneuropathy). I hope to travel again soon. ... will be uploading some content very soon of day-trips I made lately.

Jun 25, 2016 06:00 PM Surviving at home

Surviving at home I have become very old and fragile over the last few years and have little energy to travel like I did in the past. Nevertheless I enjoy hosting travelers (CouchSurfers) from my new home in Munich and they tell me about their adventures and how it is to travel so freely and easy in these modern times. I still dream and plan on visiting India, Russia and China and finding a new wife to consieve little Globie-kids!

Apr 03, 2014 04:00 PM Getting closer to "official" early-retirement

Getting closer to I remember how much I enjoyed activity on this website. I am still batteling with health issues and just keeping up living-costs at the moment. I am forced to work a few hours a day which leaves hardly any energy for house-hold work and hobbies, never mind travel. That can change soon as I am close to getting certified as redundant citizen for the market place and left in peace with my small invention projects, volunteer-work, hobbies and travel. See you soon!

Jan 14, 2013 08:00 PM Space Travel soon possible?

Space Travel soon possible? Please vote for me if you wish. This is a loooong shot but could work? Each email-address may vote once. The capchas are hard but try again. Thanks!

Aug 20, 2012 04:00 PM DENIA 2012

DENIA 2012 I was invited to look after a villa in Denia on the Costa Blanco, Spain for the month of Augutust. What a great opportunity to test my travel skills again after a 6 year break.

The villa turns out to be in the middle of nowere, the temperatures 36 - 39 °C and I waiste my budget within 3 days by being conned into taking a taxi from Alicante Airport €140 and then crashing the host's car with €700 damage. ... eating tomatoes, nudels and watermelon everyday :-(

I had diarrhea and depression the first 20 days, lost 12 kg in weight, weak, let us see if I can still see something locally other than the two villages ....

Apr 30, 2012 04:00 PM Never give up dreaming!

Never give up dreaming! Six years of serious illness have passed. I am not getting better but have learnt to cope with how I am. If a 75-year-old can travel then so can I, that is about the shape of my health and condition of my body. The only part of me without problems is my dentiture so I could bite my way out of a jungle if I had too!

Grounded by my doctors for six years I got permission in March to fly again. I shall celebrate with an island holiday in Greece I think....

Sep 10, 2010 02:00 PM GLOBObash Munich

GLOBObash Munich I was pleased atleast one member accepted my invitation. Christl combined it with a visit to her older sister who lives in the city. Pictures will follow showing our compacted city-tour tailor made for Christl as she had been here three times before.

After a sunny breakfast on the newly opened Petual Park we headed for the newly opened Jewish Museum and Synagoge which will help us understand the culture whas we both plan a trip to Israel. Then a classic walk through the old Munich streets took us from the south wgate to the north gate ending at the Hofgarten. We met again for dinner in the English Garden and retired very late after a coffee in party mooded Schwabing.

We had quite some time to strengthen our friendship and I can recommend such joint city-visits between GLOBOmembers. I think a 10th anniversary BASH would be great in two years. I can understand though that so many would like to have attended yet couldnt. Our home-towns are very far apart but it is also our character to travel alone and not be hold up with partying costs and big groups of people with complicated itineries. We are GLOBOsaps, self-efficient travellers, not tourists or a teatime group.

A great day, thanks Christl

Sep 09, 2010 02:00 PM Hurrah, Hieronyma ist da!

Hurrah, Hieronyma ist da! I was delighted to get a phone call from Christl. She is in Munich for a few days so we can take my GLOBObash savings and paint the town red. I hope Andy can join us. Anyone like to still fly in?

11am Saturday 2010-09-11
CAFE LUDWIG Cafe Restaurant Park
Am Petual Park
Klopstockstraße 10
80804 München

Jul 06, 2010 02:00 PM World Cup 2010

World Cup 2010 Since I still cannot travel far and my recovery is very slow, instead of me going out into the world the world comes to me in the form of sport. I am so pleased and feel privelaged to have travelled to so many countries. When watching international sport I can identify myself with the players more easily. I have so many friends around the world and cheered or cried with them during the world cup. Nobody expected Germany to get as far as the semi-finals, neither Netherlands. My support has always gone mostly to Brazil and Spain...

Mar 19, 2010 07:00 PM Free Hugs! Free Willy?

Free Hugs! Free Willy? Im feeling not fit but soooo much better! I could spend the afternoon with the CouchSurfers and their Hosts on Marienplatz giving free hugs to pedestrians. Actually it was me that really needed the hugs most after such a long illness! About 20 of us hugged about 100 - 500 people each, that is a LOT of love. The torists found it very funny, specially the asians. Some Germans asked what we were doing or selling or who we were trying to frree (Free Mandela? Free Willy?) or complained that the signs "FREE HUGS" we were holding were not in German, WTF!

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