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Ravi's Travel log

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Log entries 1 - 9 of 9 

Dec 03, 2006 07:00 PM varanasi visit

varanasi visit I am doing my project work near delhi and went to my village along with my friend Mr Martin ,I tried to show him every thing in short duration including my village ,ganga river ,normal living of people and so on ,
we went by train from delhi (6pm by shiv ganga express ) and reached my village at 9am next day morning

Jun 17, 2006 02:00 PM back from varanasi

back from varanasi It was a not good trip for me this time as the weather was very very hot there at varanasi ,I came back yesterday night ,will upload some pictures soon.

May 26, 2006 02:00 PM going to varanasi

going to varanasi I am going for a short visit to my native town of varanasi and I will be back in couple of weeks,I will then put some picture of this oldest city of the world.

May 11, 2006 02:00 PM leaving shanghai today

leaving shanghai today it was on of the good experiences i had in abroad,now my official work is finished so today i am leaving back to india .
soon i will write a report on my trip .

Apr 29, 2006 02:00 PM to shopping area

to shopping area on sunday I went to people's square and spend some time there,its is a big empty space surrounded by skyscrapers,nanjing road is very near to it .
in the centre of the square there is a musical fountain and it is really nice to see apart from the museum.

Apr 22, 2006 02:00 PM trip to local market

trip to local market it was nice weather today in shanghai today ,so I planned to have a look in the local market,went along with huai hai road ,lots of old shops were there which was my main interest.
after a long walk I went to Mc Donalds and had nice chicken burger,thanful to the Mc Donals that throught the world atleast here we get same taste and stuff .

Apr 16, 2006 02:00 PM trip to Zhujijiao

trip to Zhujijiao on monday I had Ester holiday ,so planned to get out of the concrete city to some old and nice place,I started early in the morning ,went to shanghai indoor stadium ,took a bus (12youan) and reached the river town in around 90 minutes,reaching there I was told to buy ticket which costed me 60 yuan and then I was given a free cycle rickshaw ride till the fisher house ,after this I started walking to all the historical places and this was really a excellent experience.
seen all the places ,had a light snacks,took some souvernir ,but there is a huge barganing.
by 3pm I took a bus and back to shanghai peoples square .

Apr 01, 2006 02:00 PM trip to Bund

trip to Bund on the sunny sunday afternoon I took a long walk from my appartment to the huanpu river ,bund ,it was a nice experience ,there were so many people around the long river bank.
i spend a long time watching the ships moving in front of me .

Mar 28, 2006 02:00 PM going to shanghai

going to shanghai I am going first time to shanghai for official work and will be there for two months,on way I had some beer but was feeling very uncomfortable .the flight was via kualalampur but there was not enough time to look around there.
I reached shanghai around 2pm local time and the company driver came to receive ,and went straight way to honkong service appartments at huai hai road.

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