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Goreme travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Goreme, Turkey!

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Travel guide to Goreme
Göreme (TR) - hot air balloons
Göreme (TR) - hot air balloons
Goreme is Turkey's answer to the famous Grand Canyon in the USA.

This geological wonderland is where one will find the most fantastic and indescribably beautiful landscapes in the world. This is a perfect example of nature playing sculptor.

Millions of years ago, the region was covered with lava after the violent eruption of two extinct volcanoes - Mt Argaeus and Mt Hassan. Through the years, the unique landscape evolved from the erosion of the ash sediments by wind, sun, rain and snow, sculpting the land into countless, strangely-shaped capped columns, pyramids and cones known as 'fairy chimneys'.

Head to the village of Uchisar to see houses cut out from rocks. Climb into one of these cave homes and had a taste of living in a cave. Don't forget to check out Zelve Valley where the most interesting mushroom-shaped cones are. Complete your tour by vising the Goreme open-air museum! [edit text]  [editors]

Goreme's travel tips, pictures, advice

Hostels    Reports (2)    Travel tips (3)    Pictures (94)   

Travel reports on Goreme

Author Rating Date
Fairytale place full of fairy chimneys. Göremë. 
Goreme,  Turkey 
krisek  rating  2010-09-01
Dream Land 
Goreme,  Turkey 
sven_ak  rating  2002-09-18

Travel tips on Goreme

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Ufuk Pensiyon

Ufuk Pensiyon

Turkey - Goreme krisek


Turkey - Goreme siffer

Dream Pansyon.

Turkey - Nev¶ehir - Goreme daniserralta

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