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Robert's Guest Book

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Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2006-08-01 01:08 PM   
Hey Robert,

It sounds like you have some nice holidays planned. A cruise sounds great. My sister-in-laws is taking one from Alaska in September, I wish I could go with her, but I will be going to Africa (ahh shame).

Yosemite seems like a fantastic national park; can't wait to see your pictures, I'll look out for them.

All the best


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Welcome to Globo

Posted: 2006-08-01 04:20 AM   

Welcome; its so nice that you have already started to contribute to this website.

I read your report and I think its's missing some pictures that would take us on your journey with you. But I do hope you enjoy being a member.

If you need any information, just shout!

Take care

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