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Bukhara travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Bukhara, Uzbekistan!

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Travel guide to Bukhara
Bukhara - Kalyan Mosque courtyard
Bukhara - Kalyan Mosque courtyard
Bukhara is often considered to be the third holy city of Islam after Mecca and Medina, although a few places in Central Asia and Middle East tend to claim this title. Bukhara is over 2500 years old and is packed with architectural monuments, some of which are older than the town but most dating to the medieval times. It is a lovely and very pleasant place with excellent tourism facilities. During the Soviet times, Bukhara was the only city in Uzbekistan where the Islamic schools were still operating. Bukhara was an important trading post during the Great Silk Road times. The town has an airport with frequent connections to Tashkent and Khiva. It used to have a train station, but now it is moved to Kagan, a town some 30 minutes drive from the old town of Bukhara. [edit text]  [editors]

Bukhara's travel tips, pictures, advice

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Travel reports on Bukhara

Author Rating Date
Great Silk Road. Uzbekistan. Captivating Bukhara. 
Bukhara,  Uzbekistan 
krisek  rating  2008-09-27

Travel tips on Bukhara

picture place / location rating / by member
Ulugbek Madrassah

Ulugbek Madrassah

Uzbekistan - Bukhara krisek
Maghoki-Attari Madrassah

Maghoki-Attari Madrassah

Uzbekistan - Buxoro - Bukhara krisek
Kalyan Mosque

Kalyan Mosque

Uzbekistan - Buxoro - Bukhara krisek
Ark Fortress

Ark Fortress

Uzbekistan - Buxoro - Bukhara krisek
Bola-Khauz Mosque

Bola-Khauz Mosque

Uzbekistan - Buxoro - Bukhara krisek

more travel tips on Bukhara (13)

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